Last scanned 1 day ago
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Cootastriker Officers: Aellexya, Arconheist, Barracoota, Buffkungfu, Cathwulf, Circadian, Coots, Dracoots, Ehlene, Failpwn, Frosticoots, Locknvoid, Marcela, Pippally, Pipsdk, Saggers, Vallany, Veisalgia, Whiplash |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Cootastriker Officers: Aellexya, Arconheist, Barracoota, Buffkungfu, Cathwulf, Circadian, Coots, Dracoots, Ehlene, Failpwn, Frosticoots, Locknvoid, Marcela, Pippally, Pipsdk, Saggers, Vallany, Veisalgia, Whiplash |
Raid Progression
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RealmID 429
GroupID 316092
GuildID 98708