
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 5th Raid Week)
5/8 N
Blackrock Depths

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About AngerManagement
<AngerManagement> Stormrage (US) | We are a Cross-Realm and Cross-Faction Guild! (18+, mature)

Most of us came from a previous guild to continue to push content in a healthy, friendly environment. We have a wide variety of players that do all sorts of content from all levels of Mythic Keystones, Heroic and Mythic Raiding, PvP, questing, and achievement and old content farming.

For TWW we are full clearing heroic every week, once we have the numbers, we would like to push Mythic Raid.

We are recruiting for a variety of roles to fill some of the gaps in our Mythic Raid roster for TWW. 

The current roles we are looking for:
  • Pres Evoker x2
  • Aug & Dev Evoker
  • Rogue
  • Shadow Priest
  • Death Knight

We are able to supply raiders as needed with consumables, pots, phials, and weapon/vantus runes as well as being able to provide guild repairs for the team while we prog.  

We are really looking for players that want to participate in a friendly community, push content, and improve. We hold many resources for players looking to improve! We are active in discord that is full of resources for everyone!

Feel free to apply, regardless of your class/spec! We look forward to seeing you soon! 

Discord ::: tessytes - GM || WetLarry - Raidlead

Last updated 13 weeks ago
About AngerManagement
<AngerManagement> Stormrage (US) | We are a Cross-Realm and Cross-Faction Guild! (18+, mature)

Most of us came from a previous guild to continue to push content in a healthy, friendly environment. We have a wide variety of players that do all sorts of content from all levels of Mythic Keystones, Heroic and Mythic Raiding, PvP, questing, and achievement and old content farming.

For TWW we are full clearing heroic every week, once we have the numbers, we would like to push Mythic Raid.

We are recruiting for a variety of roles to fill some of the gaps in our Mythic Raid roster for TWW. 

The current roles we are looking for:
  • Pres Evoker x2
  • Aug & Dev Evoker
  • Rogue
  • Shadow Priest
  • Death Knight

We are able to supply raiders as needed with consumables, pots, phials, and weapon/vantus runes as well as being able to provide guild repairs for the team while we prog.  

We are really looking for players that want to participate in a friendly community, push content, and improve. We hold many resources for players looking to improve! We are active in discord that is full of resources for everyone!

Feel free to apply, regardless of your class/spec! We look forward to seeing you soon! 

Discord ::: tessytes - GM || WetLarry - Raidlead

Last updated 13 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H3,9331,555109
Normal8/8 N5,0692,430182
Blackrock Depths
Normal5/8 N2,7661,440119
RealmID 452
GroupID 2008498
GuildID 2004304

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago