Last scanned 4 days ago
About Immortality |
We are excited to announce that Immortality will be transferring to Horde on Zul'jin for Shadowlands! We currently have open recruitment for exceptional DPS and healers for post-CE reclears and the new expansion. Immortality is a DAY ONE guild. We have been active since Nov 23, 2004, and still have the drive to progress through all Mythic content. We are looking to fill our roster with exceptional raiders to reach Cutting Edge, compete on meters, and have fun while doing it. Many external activities keep us all well intertwined with each other. It's a game after all, and we love playing this game. A majority of us have been here since the beginning and are still here having fun and increasing our pool of friends. ► What you can expect from us:
We don't want raiding to be a chore or a second job, we just want to have fun and progress. ► What we expect from you:
We raid with a semi-hardcore mindset. Staying up to date on your roles and changes will help you progress and the guild progress ► Raid Schedule: Monday: 8:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST Tuesday: 8:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST Wednesday: 8:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST OPTIONAL Sunday Heroic 8:00pm EST ► Loot Loot is handled via Loot Council factored by Attendance and Performance. ** More information can be discussed via whispers and voice chat on Discord. ** For immediate consideration or more information, add WitchyWich#1440 on bnet or Necroxia#1440 on discord! Application: Last updated 248 weeks ago |
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Guild Master: |
About Immortality |
We are excited to announce that Immortality will be transferring to Horde on Zul'jin for Shadowlands! We currently have open recruitment for exceptional DPS and healers for post-CE reclears and the new expansion. Immortality is a DAY ONE guild. We have been active since Nov 23, 2004, and still have the drive to progress through all Mythic content. We are looking to fill our roster with exceptional raiders to reach Cutting Edge, compete on meters, and have fun while doing it. Many external activities keep us all well intertwined with each other. It's a game after all, and we love playing this game. A majority of us have been here since the beginning and are still here having fun and increasing our pool of friends. ► What you can expect from us:
We don't want raiding to be a chore or a second job, we just want to have fun and progress. ► What we expect from you:
We raid with a semi-hardcore mindset. Staying up to date on your roles and changes will help you progress and the guild progress ► Raid Schedule: Monday: 8:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST Tuesday: 8:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST Wednesday: 8:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST OPTIONAL Sunday Heroic 8:00pm EST ► Loot Loot is handled via Loot Council factored by Attendance and Performance. ** More information can be discussed via whispers and voice chat on Discord. ** For immediate consideration or more information, add WitchyWich#1440 on bnet or Necroxia#1440 on discord! Application: Last updated 248 weeks ago |
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Guild Master: |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?