4/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
2/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 7 hours ago


ZAFIRAH is a long-standing Alextrasza/Terokkar guild that has recently relocated to Stormrage. We value a fun yet efficient raid experience without toxicity, and are driven to accomplishing more in less time rather than favoring an aggressive & grueling raid schedule. We're not just a guild, but a community of friends both long-term and new.

Our community is open-minded, supportive, and welcoming to new players who value the same. We do our best to include everyone in all content when possible. Are you a skilled player but having a bad night? Having some trouble surviving a newly learned mechanic? In our community you'll never be talked down to or ridiculed. You won’t be publicly shamed. At worst you may be politely asked to sit out on a boss fight so progression can continue, but everyone’s always given opportunities and encouragement to improve. We all learn together, we all get better together.

Our standard raid nights are Monday, Tuesday 8:15pm - 11:15pm EST. In addition we have a casual Friday raid for those who are looking to do more. Most of us also enjoy running mythic+ dungeon keys and are always open to new players with positive attitudes who wish to join in.

We are currently seeking skilled players with DPS/Tank flexibility but are open to consideration of all specs/classes. If you’re interested in being a part of our growing community please reach out and contact any guild officer in game.

Officers Aeryana Akirtai Lacei

Trelocke Trelocke#4895 - Disc Trelocke#1128 - Bnet

Banker -Sambucca

Raid Leader - Gerhart SirDante#6294 - Discord SirDante#1301 - Bnet

GM - Voodod Vodod#5205 - Disc Vodod#1181 - Bnet

Last updated 97 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Voodod

Officers: Trelocken


ZAFIRAH is a long-standing Alextrasza/Terokkar guild that has recently relocated to Stormrage. We value a fun yet efficient raid experience without toxicity, and are driven to accomplishing more in less time rather than favoring an aggressive & grueling raid schedule. We're not just a guild, but a community of friends both long-term and new.

Our community is open-minded, supportive, and welcoming to new players who value the same. We do our best to include everyone in all content when possible. Are you a skilled player but having a bad night? Having some trouble surviving a newly learned mechanic? In our community you'll never be talked down to or ridiculed. You won’t be publicly shamed. At worst you may be politely asked to sit out on a boss fight so progression can continue, but everyone’s always given opportunities and encouragement to improve. We all learn together, we all get better together.

Our standard raid nights are Monday, Tuesday 8:15pm - 11:15pm EST. In addition we have a casual Friday raid for those who are looking to do more. Most of us also enjoy running mythic+ dungeon keys and are always open to new players with positive attitudes who wish to join in.

We are currently seeking skilled players with DPS/Tank flexibility but are open to consideration of all specs/classes. If you’re interested in being a part of our growing community please reach out and contact any guild officer in game.

Officers Aeryana Akirtai Lacei

Trelocke Trelocke#4895 - Disc Trelocke#1128 - Bnet

Banker -Sambucca

Raid Leader - Gerhart SirDante#6294 - Discord SirDante#1301 - Bnet

GM - Voodod Vodod#5205 - Disc Vodod#1181 - Bnet

Last updated 97 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Voodod

Officers: Trelocken

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic4/8 H6,6092,939212
Normal8/8 N2,6371,17677
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic2/8 M6,1392,435178
Heroic8/8 H8,0063,362253
Normal8/8 N9,7914,328335
Blackrock Depths
Heroic1/8 H4,6142,002140
RealmID 452
GroupID 1725260
GuildID 1738855

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 7 hours ago