
4/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
7/8 N
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago

About Ambiguous

Hello! Ambiguous is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that focuses on AOTC every tier, with steady progress in mythic towards CE. We are always looking for more members to fill our ranks. We like to keep our community respectful and laid back so everyone can feel at home within Ambiguous.

We are a relatively new guild forming at the end of Nyalotha, we used to be a part of a multiple raid team guild but didnt like the direction it was going so our team split off and formed our own. We were 9/12M Nya at the end, but we would like to hit CE in future tiers without losing our laid back vibe. Our goal is to create a semi-harcore raiding environment where people can have fun, and criticism is taken constructively and not negatively. We don't do drama, no politics or religion in guild chat, most important thing is respecting others and having fun. LGBTQ+ friendly.

Our raid days are Tues/Thurs/Friday 8:45pm-12:15am EST, we only raid 3 days a week for the first month a tier is released then we drop Friday and go to raiding 2 days a week. The goal of this is to secure AOTC as fast as possible to get into mythic faster and start getting some mythic bosses on farm.

If you are interested in joining message me on bnet at ScareCrowe#11295 or on discord at PrincessCrowe#6228

Last updated 143 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Crowevid

About Ambiguous

Hello! Ambiguous is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that focuses on AOTC every tier, with steady progress in mythic towards CE. We are always looking for more members to fill our ranks. We like to keep our community respectful and laid back so everyone can feel at home within Ambiguous.

We are a relatively new guild forming at the end of Nyalotha, we used to be a part of a multiple raid team guild but didnt like the direction it was going so our team split off and formed our own. We were 9/12M Nya at the end, but we would like to hit CE in future tiers without losing our laid back vibe. Our goal is to create a semi-harcore raiding environment where people can have fun, and criticism is taken constructively and not negatively. We don't do drama, no politics or religion in guild chat, most important thing is respecting others and having fun. LGBTQ+ friendly.

Our raid days are Tues/Thurs/Friday 8:45pm-12:15am EST, we only raid 3 days a week for the first month a tier is released then we drop Friday and go to raiding 2 days a week. The goal of this is to secure AOTC as fast as possible to get into mythic faster and start getting some mythic bosses on farm.

If you are interested in joining message me on bnet at ScareCrowe#11295 or on discord at PrincessCrowe#6228

Last updated 143 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Crowevid

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic4/8 H3,2201,23058
Normal7/8 N8,3203,685187
RealmID: 465
GroupID: 1309071
GuildID: 1342137

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago