Last scanned 1 day ago
About Catastrophe |
Catastrophe is a Mythic+/AOTC focused guild that's looking for more chill players to join for keys and raiding! Raid nights Saturday and Sunday 8-11pm EST. Our guild culture is to have a fun, chill time while completing our goals. Our people are typically on more in the evenings and weekends. People do keys from +2 to +22 and our raid is midcore so there's a variety of players at different skill levels. Last updated 71 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Dukagishil Officers: Amburrito, Amburritos, Dalaran, Dookerhunter, Dotchya, Dukabeard, Dükágishil, Ikcarus, Illiduka, Juug, Katchafíre, Mccommunion, Mchootch, Mclager, Mcmoonshine, Mcsoju, Mcwhiskey, Mcwhisky, Nagásh, Natureduka, Orygosa, Orý, Orÿ, Stellahdris, Stellarain, Stellariss, Stellarisse, Stellarosé, Stellarís, Stellarîs, Stellasong, Stíckfígure, Sunnyduka, Thunderduka, Öry, Örylia, Örÿ, Örÿia |
About Catastrophe |
Catastrophe is a Mythic+/AOTC focused guild that's looking for more chill players to join for keys and raiding! Raid nights Saturday and Sunday 8-11pm EST. Our guild culture is to have a fun, chill time while completing our goals. Our people are typically on more in the evenings and weekends. People do keys from +2 to +22 and our raid is midcore so there's a variety of players at different skill levels. Last updated 71 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Dukagishil Officers: Amburrito, Amburritos, Dalaran, Dookerhunter, Dotchya, Dukabeard, Dükágishil, Ikcarus, Illiduka, Juug, Katchafíre, Mccommunion, Mchootch, Mclager, Mcmoonshine, Mcsoju, Mcwhiskey, Mcwhisky, Nagásh, Natureduka, Orygosa, Orý, Orÿ, Stellahdris, Stellarain, Stellariss, Stellarisse, Stellarosé, Stellarís, Stellarîs, Stellasong, Stíckfígure, Sunnyduka, Thunderduka, Öry, Örylia, Örÿ, Örÿia |