
Guild is missing from the Blizzard API as of
Mar 12 2025 23:16 GMT
6 days ago
About Indomitable


Our guild (formed April 2020) consists of people of all ages with different raiding backgrounds all with the shared goal of pushing for CE fast and efficiently. We expect all raiders on our team to show up on time and prepared for progression to make the small amount of time that we raid per week valuable. At the end of the day, our goal is achieving Cutting Edge in a friendly and non-toxic environment with a two day schedule while still remaining competitive and serious during raid times.

What we look for in our raiders:

  • Great attendance
  • Dedication and loyalty
  • Friendliness
  • Openness to improvement
  • Our atmosphere is built on mutual respect and professionalism. We do not promote or tolerate toxicity, and take pride in the culture we've built.

Raid Times:

Wed/Thurs 8:00 p.m - 12:00 a.m EST

Optional Alt Night - Mon 8:00 p.m - 12:00 a.m EST

Our Needs:

Tanks: Full

Healers: Holy Paladin


If you aren't one of the classes or specs listed above, but are still interested, please apply! We look at every application and will always consider exceptional players.

Trial Period:

Trial period will last roughly 2-4 weeks. In this time, we will be analyzing and gauging how you are doing within the group. Based on this information, trial periods may be increased or decreased depending on how the Officers' believe you are doing. During your trial period, we expect you to be on at least 15 minutes before raid to start clearing trash. The most important thing we look at is your attendance; if you are constantly showing up late or are missing each week, expect your trial to be terminated.

Required Addons and Programs:

  • Discord
  • Boss Mods Addon
  • Exorsus Raid Tools
  • Weak Auras
  • GTFO


Loot will be distributed by Personal Loot.

Mininum Requirements:

  • Mythic Raiding Experience (preferably in line with our current progression)

For applications - please apply at:

For further information contact any of the following:


  • Mershme#7317 on Discord

Last updated 169 weeks ago
About Indomitable


Our guild (formed April 2020) consists of people of all ages with different raiding backgrounds all with the shared goal of pushing for CE fast and efficiently. We expect all raiders on our team to show up on time and prepared for progression to make the small amount of time that we raid per week valuable. At the end of the day, our goal is achieving Cutting Edge in a friendly and non-toxic environment with a two day schedule while still remaining competitive and serious during raid times.

What we look for in our raiders:

  • Great attendance
  • Dedication and loyalty
  • Friendliness
  • Openness to improvement
  • Our atmosphere is built on mutual respect and professionalism. We do not promote or tolerate toxicity, and take pride in the culture we've built.

Raid Times:

Wed/Thurs 8:00 p.m - 12:00 a.m EST

Optional Alt Night - Mon 8:00 p.m - 12:00 a.m EST

Our Needs:

Tanks: Full

Healers: Holy Paladin


If you aren't one of the classes or specs listed above, but are still interested, please apply! We look at every application and will always consider exceptional players.

Trial Period:

Trial period will last roughly 2-4 weeks. In this time, we will be analyzing and gauging how you are doing within the group. Based on this information, trial periods may be increased or decreased depending on how the Officers' believe you are doing. During your trial period, we expect you to be on at least 15 minutes before raid to start clearing trash. The most important thing we look at is your attendance; if you are constantly showing up late or are missing each week, expect your trial to be terminated.

Required Addons and Programs:

  • Discord
  • Boss Mods Addon
  • Exorsus Raid Tools
  • Weak Auras
  • GTFO


Loot will be distributed by Personal Loot.

Mininum Requirements:

  • Mythic Raiding Experience (preferably in line with our current progression)

For applications - please apply at:

For further information contact any of the following:


  • Mershme#7317 on Discord

Last updated 169 weeks ago

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 465
GroupID 1195768
GuildID 319273