Last scanned 1 week ago
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Utoh Officers: Adronar, Dunit, Failazztank, Fallo, Fatmanchew, Illblood, Kelorlor, Lazyheals, Malpracktis, Maximborn, Meryfindor, Mostimus, Mostus, Mystique, Naragga, Naturesmvp, Nurdy, Orcwarloc, Portalkombat, Recktum, Rollipolli, Shekickz, Stumpleg, Tebowkhan, Twigman, Tydis |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Utoh Officers: Adronar, Dunit, Failazztank, Fallo, Fatmanchew, Illblood, Kelorlor, Lazyheals, Malpracktis, Maximborn, Meryfindor, Mostimus, Mostus, Mystique, Naragga, Naturesmvp, Nurdy, Orcwarloc, Portalkombat, Recktum, Rollipolli, Shekickz, Stumpleg, Tebowkhan, Twigman, Tydis |
Raid Progression
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RealmID 465
GroupID 382196
GuildID 242287