Last scanned 13 hours ago
About Pursuit |
Pursuit is a midcore returning guild for The War Within. We stopped during Shadowlands, so our latest AOTC is Castle Nathria, and looking to pick back up in TWW. We are a raiding-focused guild, but also do M+ keys and non-WoW activities such as D&D. We have members that have mythic raiding experience, but mostly consists of heroic raiders. We are looking for players who bring a positive attitude to raid and listen to callouts. Since we only raid once a week, attendance should be consistent, barring any major life conflicts. Our goal is to achieve AOTC every tier and build a group of consistent raiders, but also to still enjoy the game and relax. Raiding hours Saturday: 20:00 - 24:00 Server time/EST If you are interested in checking our raid group out, please contact either Silver/Proxymaster or Mist on Discord: Proxymaster/Mistaims or through Bnet: Proxymaster#1872/Mist#12376 Last updated 32 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Traelyan Officers: Mistphoenix, Silverwings |
About Pursuit |
Pursuit is a midcore returning guild for The War Within. We stopped during Shadowlands, so our latest AOTC is Castle Nathria, and looking to pick back up in TWW. We are a raiding-focused guild, but also do M+ keys and non-WoW activities such as D&D. We have members that have mythic raiding experience, but mostly consists of heroic raiders. We are looking for players who bring a positive attitude to raid and listen to callouts. Since we only raid once a week, attendance should be consistent, barring any major life conflicts. Our goal is to achieve AOTC every tier and build a group of consistent raiders, but also to still enjoy the game and relax. Raiding hours Saturday: 20:00 - 24:00 Server time/EST If you are interested in checking our raid group out, please contact either Silver/Proxymaster or Mist on Discord: Proxymaster/Mistaims or through Bnet: Proxymaster#1872/Mist#12376 Last updated 32 weeks ago |