About Redline |
We are a Mythic Daytime Raiding guild. We were formerly Exiled from Hell on Runetotem and transferred to Thrall. Our members come from all over the world and from all different kinds of backgrounds. Redline is home to a mature tight-knit community which is welcome for anyone who finds themselves playing during the US morning, daytime or EU evening. Our aim is to progress through the most challenging content at a competitive pace. We strive to be at the head of progression for our time slot and we have a decade of experience under our belt achieving our goal. We are interested in players who have previous raid experience and a desire of constant self-improvement. In addition to Mythic progression Redline is very active in Mythic+ runs where our core members try to push keys. Redline offers many amenities to Raiders such as free gems, enchants, potions, flasks and a generous repair allotment! Raid Schedule Wednesday and Thursday from 12PM to 4PM EST. Contact Miani on BNet Hartske#1816 or check us out at discord.gg/9QDgs34 or https://redline-guild.enjin.com. Last updated 295 weeks ago |
About Redline |
We are a Mythic Daytime Raiding guild. We were formerly Exiled from Hell on Runetotem and transferred to Thrall. Our members come from all over the world and from all different kinds of backgrounds. Redline is home to a mature tight-knit community which is welcome for anyone who finds themselves playing during the US morning, daytime or EU evening. Our aim is to progress through the most challenging content at a competitive pace. We strive to be at the head of progression for our time slot and we have a decade of experience under our belt achieving our goal. We are interested in players who have previous raid experience and a desire of constant self-improvement. In addition to Mythic progression Redline is very active in Mythic+ runs where our core members try to push keys. Redline offers many amenities to Raiders such as free gems, enchants, potions, flasks and a generous repair allotment! Raid Schedule Wednesday and Thursday from 12PM to 4PM EST. Contact Miani on BNet Hartske#1816 or check us out at discord.gg/9QDgs34 or https://redline-guild.enjin.com. Last updated 295 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?