
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Revolt

No longer raiding as of 6/12/22


<Revolt> is a Cutting Edge US Horde guild on Thrall that was formed at the beginning of Shadowlands. The core of the guild is comprised of raiders with top 50 US & Hall of Fame experience and expect to return to that status over the course of Shadowlands.

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Monday 9pm – 1am EST are days we will always raid during progression. During progression, if the guild chooses to do so, additional day(s) can be added. Our roster is comprised of people who love to play the game and want to kill bosses as quickly as possible early in the tier with the ability to take more time off at the end.


A mythic capable alt is required one tier after joining.


Exceptional applicants will always be considered regardless of role. As well as players capable of playing more then one class/spec at a high level.


Previous Tier Ranking: Sanctum of Domination: US 64 Castle Nathria: US 133

Contact: If you have any questions you need answered prior to filling out an application, please reach out to any officer.

++Guild Master / Raid Leader:++ Kiplock - Praisekippi#7612 (Discord)


++Recruitment Officer:++ Discord: Ten#7944 Btag: Ten#11440


++Sales Officer:++ Discord: Tubru#4441 Btag: Carter#1205

Last updated 143 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Babytubru

Officers: Calibear

About Revolt

No longer raiding as of 6/12/22


<Revolt> is a Cutting Edge US Horde guild on Thrall that was formed at the beginning of Shadowlands. The core of the guild is comprised of raiders with top 50 US & Hall of Fame experience and expect to return to that status over the course of Shadowlands.

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Monday 9pm – 1am EST are days we will always raid during progression. During progression, if the guild chooses to do so, additional day(s) can be added. Our roster is comprised of people who love to play the game and want to kill bosses as quickly as possible early in the tier with the ability to take more time off at the end.


A mythic capable alt is required one tier after joining.


Exceptional applicants will always be considered regardless of role. As well as players capable of playing more then one class/spec at a high level.


Previous Tier Ranking: Sanctum of Domination: US 64 Castle Nathria: US 133

Contact: If you have any questions you need answered prior to filling out an application, please reach out to any officer.

++Guild Master / Raid Leader:++ Kiplock - Praisekippi#7612 (Discord)


++Recruitment Officer:++ Discord: Ten#7944 Btag: Ten#11440


++Sales Officer:++ Discord: Tubru#4441 Btag: Carter#1205

Last updated 143 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Babytubru

Officers: Calibear

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 465
GroupID 1294986
GuildID 1328049

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago