Last scanned 2 days ago
About SMH |
SMH is progressing in Nerub/ar Heroic, CE-Pursuring. Regarding recruitment: We are always interested in players with an interest in taking Mythic raiding seriously! We progressing in H Nerub'ar and pursuing CE. Players interested in an active progression raid role should have strong logs with recent (i.e. DF and/or Shadowlands) Mythic raid experience. Please fill out our Google Forms application for consideration: Personal Accountability and Improvement is our primary raiding focus. We are an LGBTQ+ friendly team, with a zero tolerance policy for hate and drama. All people, including any and all marginalized groups, with a friendly demeanor and an interest in pushing Mythic raiding content would feel included and welcome here. Tu/Th 8:30-11:30 PM EST A VISAGE Featured Guild! Last updated 23 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Tarec Officers: Aderenemi, Antne, Antnee, Antney, Antoney, Antpal, Azrec, Azrecbear, Barec, Chrysaor, Cresus, Darec, Drogaku, Emishka, Felrec, Formica, Hippolyte, Indemi, Iphicles, Irilyn, Ironheart, Jazzemi, Krysarec, Lampon, Marasemi, Marec, Oileanajax, Ozrec, Ozrecbear, Ozrectwo, Podargos, Ripzinoki, Saelandris, Saeremi, Sprixemi, Spyre, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarecbear, Tarecgos, Tarecia, Tarecian, Tarecius, Tarecthree, Tarectwo, Tarek, Tarekbear, Tariq, Tariqbear, Tarock, Telaajax, Terec, Terrac, Teryk, Teryktwo, Turbismuth, Turbobeams, Turbodrake, Turbofisto, Turbogate, Turbohoof, Turboprayer, Turborot, Turboshifts, Turboshots, Turbowings, Ulrec, Xavirec, Zephemi, Zeryk, Zerykbear, Zinobear, Zinochi, Zinoki, Zinokilock, Zinokimage, Zinokisham |
About SMH |
SMH is progressing in Nerub/ar Heroic, CE-Pursuring. Regarding recruitment: We are always interested in players with an interest in taking Mythic raiding seriously! We progressing in H Nerub'ar and pursuing CE. Players interested in an active progression raid role should have strong logs with recent (i.e. DF and/or Shadowlands) Mythic raid experience. Please fill out our Google Forms application for consideration: Personal Accountability and Improvement is our primary raiding focus. We are an LGBTQ+ friendly team, with a zero tolerance policy for hate and drama. All people, including any and all marginalized groups, with a friendly demeanor and an interest in pushing Mythic raiding content would feel included and welcome here. Tu/Th 8:30-11:30 PM EST A VISAGE Featured Guild! Last updated 23 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Tarec Officers: Aderenemi, Antne, Antnee, Antney, Antoney, Antpal, Azrec, Azrecbear, Barec, Chrysaor, Cresus, Darec, Drogaku, Emishka, Felrec, Formica, Hippolyte, Indemi, Iphicles, Irilyn, Ironheart, Jazzemi, Krysarec, Lampon, Marasemi, Marec, Oileanajax, Ozrec, Ozrecbear, Ozrectwo, Podargos, Ripzinoki, Saelandris, Saeremi, Sprixemi, Spyre, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarec, Tarecbear, Tarecgos, Tarecia, Tarecian, Tarecius, Tarecthree, Tarectwo, Tarek, Tarekbear, Tariq, Tariqbear, Tarock, Telaajax, Terec, Terrac, Teryk, Teryktwo, Turbismuth, Turbobeams, Turbodrake, Turbofisto, Turbogate, Turbohoof, Turboprayer, Turborot, Turboshifts, Turboshots, Turbowings, Ulrec, Xavirec, Zephemi, Zeryk, Zerykbear, Zinobear, Zinochi, Zinoki, Zinokilock, Zinokimage, Zinokisham |