Last scanned 1 week ago
About Visionz |
Vision is a Mythic raiding guild on Thrall that was formed in April 2013 on Kel'Thuzad. Raid Times Tue/Wed/Thu/mon 7-11 est Raiders are expected to maintain a raid capable alt, to be ready at latest one full tier after joining. We offer a stable leadership along with a positive raiding environment, free of drama and cliques. That being said, we all share the same hardcore outlook on raiding. Executing mechanics is our priority. After raid we go over logs and see what everyone can be doing better. All raiders and officers are open to constructive criticism. There is no coasting in this guild. We make sure everyone is maximizing dps, while still prioritizing mechanics. Loot is distributed through a fair loot council. Our goal is to kill bosses, not get sweet loot. We're looking for somebody that has a competitive personality, that wants to take on the difficult mechanics and is willing to be compared to the top players of their class. Somebody that strives to be the best that they can be, be diligent about reviewing logs during and after raids to see where they can improve. Keeps up with the theorycrafting and research on their class. Someones who's very passionate about raiding and who rarely misses or is late to raids. We don't like to run a large bench so having the consistency is important. Preferred applicant would have top 25 US exp. Rankings: T18th - US 43th T19 Xavius - US 31th, Helya - US 13th, Gul'dan - US 13th T20 US 13th T20 US 10th Currently Recruiting: All classes My Contact Information ItAintMe#1848 go to our website and submit an application Or add me so we can hop in discord and talk to see if we're a good fit. Or if im not available. Evitrix#1598 Mongoboy#1861 Last updated 372 weeks ago |
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Guild Master: |
About Visionz |
Vision is a Mythic raiding guild on Thrall that was formed in April 2013 on Kel'Thuzad. Raid Times Tue/Wed/Thu/mon 7-11 est Raiders are expected to maintain a raid capable alt, to be ready at latest one full tier after joining. We offer a stable leadership along with a positive raiding environment, free of drama and cliques. That being said, we all share the same hardcore outlook on raiding. Executing mechanics is our priority. After raid we go over logs and see what everyone can be doing better. All raiders and officers are open to constructive criticism. There is no coasting in this guild. We make sure everyone is maximizing dps, while still prioritizing mechanics. Loot is distributed through a fair loot council. Our goal is to kill bosses, not get sweet loot. We're looking for somebody that has a competitive personality, that wants to take on the difficult mechanics and is willing to be compared to the top players of their class. Somebody that strives to be the best that they can be, be diligent about reviewing logs during and after raids to see where they can improve. Keeps up with the theorycrafting and research on their class. Someones who's very passionate about raiding and who rarely misses or is late to raids. We don't like to run a large bench so having the consistency is important. Preferred applicant would have top 25 US exp. Rankings: T18th - US 43th T19 Xavius - US 31th, Helya - US 13th, Gul'dan - US 13th T20 US 13th T20 US 10th Currently Recruiting: All classes My Contact Information ItAintMe#1848 go to our website and submit an application Or add me so we can hop in discord and talk to see if we're a good fit. Or if im not available. Evitrix#1598 Mongoboy#1861 Last updated 372 weeks ago |
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Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?