5/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 4th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Recluse

<Recluse> is a midcore raid guild on US Tichondrius.

Raid days are Tuesday/Wednesday 6-9 PM PST. Active M+ runners 7 days a week usually from 6-12 PM PST.

We are reforming our raid roster after taking a more casual approach to raiding during Dragonflight and TWW S1. Currently seeking players interested in mythic raid, please reach out with some recent logs and your raiding experience.

Mythic Raid Recruitment:

  1. Tanks - Full
  2. Healers - Shaman/Paladin/Monk/Druid
  3. DPS - Warlock/Enhancement Shaman/Evoker/Warrior/Rogue/Druid/Hunter

Any players interested in purely mythic plus or PVP are also welcome to apply.

For recruitment inquiries contact: Bnet - Demon325#1322 / xVioletx#1651 Discord - demon325 / calypsodrake

Last updated 3 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Holyvalkyr

Officers: Morecowßell

About Recluse

<Recluse> is a midcore raid guild on US Tichondrius.

Raid days are Tuesday/Wednesday 6-9 PM PST. Active M+ runners 7 days a week usually from 6-12 PM PST.

We are reforming our raid roster after taking a more casual approach to raiding during Dragonflight and TWW S1. Currently seeking players interested in mythic raid, please reach out with some recent logs and your raiding experience.

Mythic Raid Recruitment:

  1. Tanks - Full
  2. Healers - Shaman/Paladin/Monk/Druid
  3. DPS - Warlock/Enhancement Shaman/Evoker/Warrior/Rogue/Druid/Hunter

Any players interested in purely mythic plus or PVP are also welcome to apply.

For recruitment inquiries contact: Bnet - Demon325#1322 / xVioletx#1651 Discord - demon325 / calypsodrake

Last updated 3 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Holyvalkyr

Officers: Morecowßell

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic5/8 H5,4902,411140
Normal8/8 N54954917
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H3,1541,19694
Normal8/8 N3,8741,63788
RealmID 468
GroupID 1942426
GuildID 1943356

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago