Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Sin

Formerly known as One Fifty One we are a community-centric hardcore guild with a commitment to personal growth and excellence.


++Raid times:++ Tuesday / Wednesday (6:30-10:00pm PST / 9:30PM-1:00AM EST) Weekly. Expect to raid extra days the first week of the tier. Invites are out half an hour early. We are pulling the first boss by 6:30.


++Contact: Ferocity#11842 - GM++


++Raid/Progression Structure:++ For raiding we have steep expectations with regards to participation and attendance. If you plan on raiding with us you should expect to have near perfect attendance and be willing to shift around other plans to prioritize raiding. During raid you will also be expected to provide complete concentration for the full duration the raid. With that said our raid structure also includes having a ten minute break in the middle of the raid to allow the team a chance to re-energize.


Top candidates will also possess the following characteristics:


  • Maturity in the face of frustration.
  • Commitment to personal growth and success.
  • Willingness to accept constructive criticism to increase performance.
  • Ability to work as a team player and serve the greater cause of the guild.
  • Outgoing personality and desire to become a part of a gaming community. Most of our members spend their time together on discord even when we aren't raiding.

++Guild History:++


Sin is a guild formed in 2014 built on deep friendship bonds and a fiercely competitive spirit. What makes us different from the competition is our attention to detail in all aspects of the game. We believe that we embody the work hard play harder philosophy better than anyone. Over the years we have hosted a number of guild events in addition to our Cutting Edge raiding style. Events such as: guild poker night, guild drinking night and guild achievement run night. We have even had other major guild events such as a server-wide scavenger hunt with a 1 million gold grand prize. For that reason we believe that community is a main component of who we are and what sets us apart. We aren't simply the guild that logs on for raid and nobody sees each other until the next raid.


At any rate if you have made it this far and like what you hear i'd say to give us a try. If you simply want to play with some of the best, have a few beers and slay some dragons I promise we won't disappoint.

Last updated 267 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Feròcity

Officers: Yungowli

About Sin

Formerly known as One Fifty One we are a community-centric hardcore guild with a commitment to personal growth and excellence.


++Raid times:++ Tuesday / Wednesday (6:30-10:00pm PST / 9:30PM-1:00AM EST) Weekly. Expect to raid extra days the first week of the tier. Invites are out half an hour early. We are pulling the first boss by 6:30.


++Contact: Ferocity#11842 - GM++


++Raid/Progression Structure:++ For raiding we have steep expectations with regards to participation and attendance. If you plan on raiding with us you should expect to have near perfect attendance and be willing to shift around other plans to prioritize raiding. During raid you will also be expected to provide complete concentration for the full duration the raid. With that said our raid structure also includes having a ten minute break in the middle of the raid to allow the team a chance to re-energize.


Top candidates will also possess the following characteristics:


  • Maturity in the face of frustration.
  • Commitment to personal growth and success.
  • Willingness to accept constructive criticism to increase performance.
  • Ability to work as a team player and serve the greater cause of the guild.
  • Outgoing personality and desire to become a part of a gaming community. Most of our members spend their time together on discord even when we aren't raiding.

++Guild History:++


Sin is a guild formed in 2014 built on deep friendship bonds and a fiercely competitive spirit. What makes us different from the competition is our attention to detail in all aspects of the game. We believe that we embody the work hard play harder philosophy better than anyone. Over the years we have hosted a number of guild events in addition to our Cutting Edge raiding style. Events such as: guild poker night, guild drinking night and guild achievement run night. We have even had other major guild events such as a server-wide scavenger hunt with a 1 million gold grand prize. For that reason we believe that community is a main component of who we are and what sets us apart. We aren't simply the guild that logs on for raid and nobody sees each other until the next raid.


At any rate if you have made it this far and like what you hear i'd say to give us a try. If you simply want to play with some of the best, have a few beers and slay some dragons I promise we won't disappoint.

Last updated 267 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Feròcity

Officers: Yungowli

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 468
GroupID 398984
GuildID 581344

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago