5/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 3rd Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Uppies

<uppies- Tichondruis> Formally known as <plot twist- Mal'ganis> are reforming for The War Within under a new name and server. We are a semi-hardcore CE focused guild that raids 2 days a week. Our current raid days and times are Wednesday & Thursday 8:00-11:00 PM EST (However we do plan on adding a third extra raid night on Tuesdays 8:00-11:00 pm EST for the first 2 weeks of the tier). We have CE exp on our 6hr a week schedule and are looking to continue that going into The War Within. Below is a link to our old guild if you are interested in seeing some past experience.



If this interests you feel free to apply at the link below.

Last updated 38 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Liljefe

Officers: Aari, Aarï, Acerian, Aegeus, Allchokedup, Amusèd, Astarioth, Aylana, Bigjustice, Bloodhoundd, Bluedberries, Bodytypewon, Boofrunner, Bubblenjoyer, Burritobully, Caiusx, Cerían, Chupacabrä, Clavemon, Cownationn, Crasherwake, Daonlijuan, Deaf, Deathtouchez, Dilbis, Dohge, Domgan, Dookey, Drshnuggles, Dwagonwage, Dwarfies, Easyy, Eressix, Erilisra, Fewze, Fewzze, Fistmebb, Fm, Fuzzcicle, Fxe, Fxq, Giffdh, Giffkwondo, Giffpally, Giffrogue, Giffsham, Gluebe, Gluebes, Gluebo, Gluuebe, Gripangel, Gït, Hallour, Handsforfree, Handywandy, Hawktûah, Hâwktuâh, Iamseth, Idkanymore, Imcute, Imseth, Isthisdog, Jackklol, Jackqq, Jkedh, Jkedk, Jkedruid, Jkemage, Jkepriest, Jkerogue, Jkewarrior, Justiciar, Kadavver, Kauli, Keèf, Khañ, Khillien, Khilliyan, Khyllian, Kikilock, Kikitty, Kopium, Kråvên, Landora, Leoten, Liho, Lolkekd, Lìghtbringer, Maarza, Madorex, Mangonadà, Maxadeath, Maxag, Maxamix, Meatedballs, Medbdk, Medbdruid, Medblock, Medbmage, Medbpally, Medbrogue, Megamedb, Melottie, Meritaten, Meritayten, Meseth, Mexicancoke, Mookaw, Needwater, Notcatfish, Nukd, Nzothsmydad, Obamadn, Oobadoobadoo, Otherious, Patooty, Penitance, Playground, Porties, Prazdk, Prazzx, Quesàdillà, Quiggs, Quinncel, Raludin, Ralugoat, Ripperino, Ripshotbh, Ripshotdh, Riptycent, Roekhan, Samuraì, Sarbpriest, Sarbw, Sarthoraël, Sengarr, Sethpai, Sethsei, Sethsy, Shnuggie, Shnuggzi, Shockangel, Sigilum, Sinestra, Slapbell, Slapbones, Slapology, Slh, Sneakypeteqt, Sopapillas, Spoolster, Swagmeoutx, Sëarfang, Talorand, Tazzwår, Thantos, Touczz, Tuskaro, Venicia, Vëssel, Wakcookie, Whitebrew, Whitknit, Wyldesong, Wäkwäk, Yaabies, Yaabs, Yabbies, , Zerotouches, Zerotouchs, Zerotouchz, Zeønz, Zoirs, Zoirspanda, Zylø, Íchigø, Øddsham, Øtterbob

About Uppies

<uppies- Tichondruis> Formally known as <plot twist- Mal'ganis> are reforming for The War Within under a new name and server. We are a semi-hardcore CE focused guild that raids 2 days a week. Our current raid days and times are Wednesday & Thursday 8:00-11:00 PM EST (However we do plan on adding a third extra raid night on Tuesdays 8:00-11:00 pm EST for the first 2 weeks of the tier). We have CE exp on our 6hr a week schedule and are looking to continue that going into The War Within. Below is a link to our old guild if you are interested in seeing some past experience.



If this interests you feel free to apply at the link below.

Last updated 38 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Liljefe

Officers: Aari, Aarï, Acerian, Aegeus, Allchokedup, Amusèd, Astarioth, Aylana, Bigjustice, Bloodhoundd, Bluedberries, Bodytypewon, Boofrunner, Bubblenjoyer, Burritobully, Caiusx, Cerían, Chupacabrä, Clavemon, Cownationn, Crasherwake, Daonlijuan, Deaf, Deathtouchez, Dilbis, Dohge, Domgan, Dookey, Drshnuggles, Dwagonwage, Dwarfies, Easyy, Eressix, Erilisra, Fewze, Fewzze, Fistmebb, Fm, Fuzzcicle, Fxe, Fxq, Giffdh, Giffkwondo, Giffpally, Giffrogue, Giffsham, Gluebe, Gluebes, Gluebo, Gluuebe, Gripangel, Gït, Hallour, Handsforfree, Handywandy, Hawktûah, Hâwktuâh, Iamseth, Idkanymore, Imcute, Imseth, Isthisdog, Jackklol, Jackqq, Jkedh, Jkedk, Jkedruid, Jkemage, Jkepriest, Jkerogue, Jkewarrior, Justiciar, Kadavver, Kauli, Keèf, Khañ, Khillien, Khilliyan, Khyllian, Kikilock, Kikitty, Kopium, Kråvên, Landora, Leoten, Liho, Lolkekd, Lìghtbringer, Maarza, Madorex, Mangonadà, Maxadeath, Maxag, Maxamix, Meatedballs, Medbdk, Medbdruid, Medblock, Medbmage, Medbpally, Medbrogue, Megamedb, Melottie, Meritaten, Meritayten, Meseth, Mexicancoke, Mookaw, Needwater, Notcatfish, Nukd, Nzothsmydad, Obamadn, Oobadoobadoo, Otherious, Patooty, Penitance, Playground, Porties, Prazdk, Prazzx, Quesàdillà, Quiggs, Quinncel, Raludin, Ralugoat, Ripperino, Ripshotbh, Ripshotdh, Riptycent, Roekhan, Samuraì, Sarbpriest, Sarbw, Sarthoraël, Sengarr, Sethpai, Sethsei, Sethsy, Shnuggie, Shnuggzi, Shockangel, Sigilum, Sinestra, Slapbell, Slapbones, Slapology, Slh, Sneakypeteqt, Sopapillas, Spoolster, Swagmeoutx, Sëarfang, Talorand, Tazzwår, Thantos, Touczz, Tuskaro, Venicia, Vëssel, Wakcookie, Whitebrew, Whitknit, Wyldesong, Wäkwäk, Yaabies, Yaabs, Yabbies, , Zerotouches, Zerotouchs, Zerotouchz, Zeønz, Zoirs, Zoirspanda, Zylø, Íchigø, Øddsham, Øtterbob

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic5/8 M2,7911,07882
Heroic8/8 H1,74362949
Normal8/8 N1,89265548
RealmID 468
GroupID 2023356
GuildID 2017522

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago