Last scanned 15 hours ago
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Potatofeet Officers: Bigcronch, Bogdoy, Breadh, Breadlocker, Breadshaft, Breadshift, Breadshot, Breadstik, Cleoma, Deadstick, Doghouse, Griffins, Génêviëvè, Nalodguod, Potatof, Potatofeet, Potatofoot, Potatohorns, Reltso, Willards, Willburts, Willurds |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Potatofeet Officers: Bigcronch, Bogdoy, Breadh, Breadlocker, Breadshaft, Breadshift, Breadshot, Breadstik, Cleoma, Deadstick, Doghouse, Griffins, Génêviëvè, Nalodguod, Potatof, Potatofeet, Potatofoot, Potatohorns, Reltso, Willards, Willburts, Willurds |
Raid Progression
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RealmID 468
GroupID 1232091
GuildID 1265404