Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About oYa

About Us <oYa> is a guild that consists of a knit group of friends who have been playing games together for over 10+ years. We like to keep things simple and easy, playing casually while striving to down challenging content whether its pushing high keys or downing raid content. We are seeking consistent raiders to push into mythic raiding.


We can be considered as a casual raiding guild, but still strive to compete amongst others. Not only are we looking to get more active raiders, we are looking boost our ranks with more active members whether they want to raid, push M+ keys, or just want to hang out in an active guild/discord.


Our goal for Shadowlands and beyond is to continue to achieve Cutting Edge and push into Top 20 on the server. If this interests you, look no further!


If you're interested in applying to <oYa> please submit an application here:


-Server- Tichondrius (US) Horde


-Raid Schedule- Tues and Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST


-Expectations- We expect raiders to know each fight before we attempt it and to adapt to strategies we improvise on. Raiders are also expected to know their class, rotations, etc. While we do provide consumables, raiders are expected to come to raid on-time, and prepared.


-What We Offer- We offer a simplistic setting. Members often participate in PVE and PVP content. Our guild chat is a place to speak your mind and occasionally will contain mature language and topics.

Last updated 203 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Talìn

About oYa

About Us <oYa> is a guild that consists of a knit group of friends who have been playing games together for over 10+ years. We like to keep things simple and easy, playing casually while striving to down challenging content whether its pushing high keys or downing raid content. We are seeking consistent raiders to push into mythic raiding.


We can be considered as a casual raiding guild, but still strive to compete amongst others. Not only are we looking to get more active raiders, we are looking boost our ranks with more active members whether they want to raid, push M+ keys, or just want to hang out in an active guild/discord.


Our goal for Shadowlands and beyond is to continue to achieve Cutting Edge and push into Top 20 on the server. If this interests you, look no further!


If you're interested in applying to <oYa> please submit an application here:


-Server- Tichondrius (US) Horde


-Raid Schedule- Tues and Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST


-Expectations- We expect raiders to know each fight before we attempt it and to adapt to strategies we improvise on. Raiders are also expected to know their class, rotations, etc. While we do provide consumables, raiders are expected to come to raid on-time, and prepared.


-What We Offer- We offer a simplistic setting. Members often participate in PVE and PVP content. Our guild chat is a place to speak your mind and occasionally will contain mature language and topics.

Last updated 203 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Talìn

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 468
GroupID 1079247
GuildID 1113409

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago