
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 4 days ago

About Impetus

++Impetus is aiming to strengthen our roster for BoD!++

Impetus is aiming to strengthen our roster with top tier talent capable of learning and mastering content on a 6 Hour schedule. We have achieved many Cutting Edge's since Siege of Orgrimmar and are not only aiming to always achieve Cutting Edge on this schedule, but are interested in doing so as a US top 200 guild. We enjoy pushing ourselves, playing well, and playing with other talented/driven players.

++We are 1/9M in BoD++

We finished Uldir 7/8M, CE in T19, 7/9M T20, and CE in T21.

If you have the skill and drive to push progression, and our raid times fit with your schedule, we're looking for you!

++Looking for All Skilled Players!++

We are currently looking for all exceptional players!

++We are looking for people that:++

  • Enjoy conquering challenging content
  • Push themselves to more damage/healing on every pull
  • Strive to execute strats and mechanics cleaner on every pull
  • Look to achieve Cutting Edge each Tier
  • Are available Tuesdays and Thursday from 9:00-12:00 EST
  • Are laid back and mature

++Getting In Touch With Us++ If this sounds like the sort of team you want to be a part of, please don't hesitate to give reach out using one of the methods below:

Guild Leader: Bnet - Knightylol#1466 Discord - Purgatoire#6139

Raid Lead: Discord - Tswizzle#4413


Last updated 320 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Officers: Brewmist, Dethyca, Firetail, Kethkothkith, Myzna, Slethusa, Thi, Ythi, Ythica, Zoth

About Impetus

++Impetus is aiming to strengthen our roster for BoD!++

Impetus is aiming to strengthen our roster with top tier talent capable of learning and mastering content on a 6 Hour schedule. We have achieved many Cutting Edge's since Siege of Orgrimmar and are not only aiming to always achieve Cutting Edge on this schedule, but are interested in doing so as a US top 200 guild. We enjoy pushing ourselves, playing well, and playing with other talented/driven players.

++We are 1/9M in BoD++

We finished Uldir 7/8M, CE in T19, 7/9M T20, and CE in T21.

If you have the skill and drive to push progression, and our raid times fit with your schedule, we're looking for you!

++Looking for All Skilled Players!++

We are currently looking for all exceptional players!

++We are looking for people that:++

  • Enjoy conquering challenging content
  • Push themselves to more damage/healing on every pull
  • Strive to execute strats and mechanics cleaner on every pull
  • Look to achieve Cutting Edge each Tier
  • Are available Tuesdays and Thursday from 9:00-12:00 EST
  • Are laid back and mature

++Getting In Touch With Us++ If this sounds like the sort of team you want to be a part of, please don't hesitate to give reach out using one of the methods below:

Guild Leader: Bnet - Knightylol#1466 Discord - Purgatoire#6139

Raid Lead: Discord - Tswizzle#4413


Last updated 320 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Officers: Brewmist, Dethyca, Firetail, Kethkothkith, Myzna, Slethusa, Thi, Ythi, Ythica, Zoth

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 472
GroupID 2179
GuildID 43784

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 4 days ago