
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About LochModanYachtClub

Do normal guilds raid too early for you? Interested in getting into Heroic raiding regardless of prior experience? Then keep on reading!

About Us: We the LochModanYachtClub have been around in some form since 2008 and pride ourselves on our raid environment. We really try to create a place where people who enjoy raiding can have a great time, laugh, and kill bosses. We are by no means a hardcore progression guild but we want to push ourselves to get as far as we can each tier.

We are open to anyone looking to get into a raiding team. Whether you are a former CE raider looking for a more casual environment, or a newer player looking to make the jump into higher-level PvE content, we are open to anyone as long as they are willing to put in the time to learn their class. We are happy to teach newer players the ropes of raiding and have a dedicated, experienced core who can help players who want to start getting more out of their classes.

Outside of raid we have many members who are avid M+ runners so there is always a place to do that at night as well.

Current Prog:

Castle Nathria: 2/10H

Raid Times: 11:00 PM- 2AM EST Friday 11:00 PM- 2AM EST Saturday

Looking for: Actively recruiting healers and dps roles.

Thank you for reading! If you are interested in applying please look me up with my Btag MagnaUrsa#1302

Last updated 218 weeks ago
About LochModanYachtClub

Do normal guilds raid too early for you? Interested in getting into Heroic raiding regardless of prior experience? Then keep on reading!

About Us: We the LochModanYachtClub have been around in some form since 2008 and pride ourselves on our raid environment. We really try to create a place where people who enjoy raiding can have a great time, laugh, and kill bosses. We are by no means a hardcore progression guild but we want to push ourselves to get as far as we can each tier.

We are open to anyone looking to get into a raiding team. Whether you are a former CE raider looking for a more casual environment, or a newer player looking to make the jump into higher-level PvE content, we are open to anyone as long as they are willing to put in the time to learn their class. We are happy to teach newer players the ropes of raiding and have a dedicated, experienced core who can help players who want to start getting more out of their classes.

Outside of raid we have many members who are avid M+ runners so there is always a place to do that at night as well.

Current Prog:

Castle Nathria: 2/10H

Raid Times: 11:00 PM- 2AM EST Friday 11:00 PM- 2AM EST Saturday

Looking for: Actively recruiting healers and dps roles.

Thank you for reading! If you are interested in applying please look me up with my Btag MagnaUrsa#1302

Last updated 218 weeks ago

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 472
GroupID 441511
GuildID 109400

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago