Last scanned 4 days ago
About Noir |
We're recruiting! Tanks and healers seeking membership should be prepared to perform in a DPS role if needed. Players of any class/spec are welcome to inquire, just reach out in game with questions to the following individuals: Horde Salt-Uldaman/Solidsneak-Uldaman/Maulee-Ravencrest/ Alliance Coldfire-Ravencrest/Kenel-Ravencrest Specific classes not in attendance at our current raids are mages, monks, shamans, and warriors! Schedule: Main raids - Tues/Wed 7:30pm - 10:00pm central Alt raids are random but usually scheduled for Saturday. We are mostly a friendly casual guild who also raids, but we have several hard core members who bounce in and out. About half our members reach AOTC/KSM per patch as the raid team has had inconsistency so we have worked with several other guilds to pull in people for other roles. The ones who want AOTC/KSM get AOTC/KSM. We also take non-raiders who focus other aspects of the game such as Achievements, Fishing, Crafting, M+, Mount/Pet farming, and other events. Last updated 87 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Salt Officers: Alkali, Atonement, Beangobbler, Busylifting, Coolstory, Firefix, Fluffybunny, Gamer, Goochygoo, Grapevine, Lefteye, Likebutton, Muñeca, Sadness, Shadowspite, Shaqhands, Slant, Slingshot, Spectating, Starfoxy, Storymode, Swift, Thickdaddy |
About Noir |
We're recruiting! Tanks and healers seeking membership should be prepared to perform in a DPS role if needed. Players of any class/spec are welcome to inquire, just reach out in game with questions to the following individuals: Horde Salt-Uldaman/Solidsneak-Uldaman/Maulee-Ravencrest/ Alliance Coldfire-Ravencrest/Kenel-Ravencrest Specific classes not in attendance at our current raids are mages, monks, shamans, and warriors! Schedule: Main raids - Tues/Wed 7:30pm - 10:00pm central Alt raids are random but usually scheduled for Saturday. We are mostly a friendly casual guild who also raids, but we have several hard core members who bounce in and out. About half our members reach AOTC/KSM per patch as the raid team has had inconsistency so we have worked with several other guilds to pull in people for other roles. The ones who want AOTC/KSM get AOTC/KSM. We also take non-raiders who focus other aspects of the game such as Achievements, Fishing, Crafting, M+, Mount/Pet farming, and other events. Last updated 87 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Salt Officers: Alkali, Atonement, Beangobbler, Busylifting, Coolstory, Firefix, Fluffybunny, Gamer, Goochygoo, Grapevine, Lefteye, Likebutton, Muñeca, Sadness, Shadowspite, Shaqhands, Slant, Slingshot, Spectating, Starfoxy, Storymode, Swift, Thickdaddy |