Last scanned 1 day ago
About Pyreanor |
Pyreanor + Gold Knuckles + Don't Worry About It = ❤️ One True Trio ❤️ Recruitment: Limited
More about us:
Pyreanor is a smallish inclusive rage-free mediumcore guild on Wyrmrest Accord that is looking to expand our heroic raiding community. We are an AotC guild that may expand into casual mythics if we can get the bodies. If you fit in to our guild culture, and you're willing to learn to play your class, learn the mechanics, get out of the bad, follow the directions, and tolerate our slightly-inebriated banter, you can play with us, we'll help you catch up as best we can. Our raid times are Tues Thurs at 6pm Pacific. (7 mountain, 8 central, 9 eastern.) We run about three hours. Our guild culture is important to us. With few exceptions we are adults with jobs or college students. Most of our college students are in STEM, the arts, or both. Several of our officers and members are LGBT+. Our goal is to create a low stress environment where we can kill bosses and loot epics without screaming or rage. An environment where people can go to chill and have fun without being accosted by hate speech or other assorted bullshit. We hope you will consider joining our crew of misfits in our journey to killing bosses and looting epics and make our core a little bigger. MAPs need not apply. Please let me know if you are interested via btag or Discord.
Last updated 133 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Zandrae Officers: Demontwink, Expëndable, Gooseish, Kenjutsmoo, Luzrak, Ninjutsmoo, Resian, Semaggi, Teëth, Vilaroc, Êxpendable |
About Pyreanor |
Pyreanor + Gold Knuckles + Don't Worry About It = ❤️ One True Trio ❤️ Recruitment: Limited
More about us:
Pyreanor is a smallish inclusive rage-free mediumcore guild on Wyrmrest Accord that is looking to expand our heroic raiding community. We are an AotC guild that may expand into casual mythics if we can get the bodies. If you fit in to our guild culture, and you're willing to learn to play your class, learn the mechanics, get out of the bad, follow the directions, and tolerate our slightly-inebriated banter, you can play with us, we'll help you catch up as best we can. Our raid times are Tues Thurs at 6pm Pacific. (7 mountain, 8 central, 9 eastern.) We run about three hours. Our guild culture is important to us. With few exceptions we are adults with jobs or college students. Most of our college students are in STEM, the arts, or both. Several of our officers and members are LGBT+. Our goal is to create a low stress environment where we can kill bosses and loot epics without screaming or rage. An environment where people can go to chill and have fun without being accosted by hate speech or other assorted bullshit. We hope you will consider joining our crew of misfits in our journey to killing bosses and looting epics and make our core a little bigger. MAPs need not apply. Please let me know if you are interested via btag or Discord.
Last updated 133 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Zandrae Officers: Demontwink, Expëndable, Gooseish, Kenjutsmoo, Luzrak, Ninjutsmoo, Resian, Semaggi, Teëth, Vilaroc, Êxpendable |