5/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 8th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Whisper

Whisper provides a non-toxic, stress free, non-judgmental gaming environment for our fellow WoW players in order to help one another improve our skills, kill bosses, and get loot while having fun. We are a guild of friends, raiders, and dungeon runners working to build our brand of dungeons, raiding, and social events on the Wyrmrest Accord server and are looking for new, old, and returning players to join us.

Our top priority is to create an incredible guild environment for all members, in both casual and serious progression. We pride ourselves in creating a safe place for everyone to play the game regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or other beliefs. Our raid team is a mixture of excellent players working towards semi-casual heroic progression without compromising our core values. Our guild community and friendly, supportive raid atmosphere are very valuable to us, and it’s important that you share them to ensure a good fit.

We are seeking a number of players to fill out our raid roster for the tier. For our progression raid team, we hold raiders to the following expectations:

  • You should excel at understanding boss mechanics
  • You should be able to perform efficiently in a raid setting, including multitasking role-specific responsibilities while maintaining performance and avoiding lethal raid mechanics.
  • You should have a complete understanding of your class, including fight-specific talent, gear, or playstyle tweaks.
  • You should be able to maintain a high level of attendance, and communicate with raid leaders when you will miss raids.

We also welcome social and casual members and players focused on Mythic Dungeons and Keystone Master. We're seeking players who are looking to push keys as far as possible in a steady environment. We also provide a community for others who would normally shy away from dungeons, aiding them in learning routes, bosses, and dangerous mob mechanics in a stress-free environment. Casual / social players are also welcomed if seeking a place to call home.

To apply, please contact exsomet on Discord, or head to

Last updated 92 weeks ago
About Whisper

Whisper provides a non-toxic, stress free, non-judgmental gaming environment for our fellow WoW players in order to help one another improve our skills, kill bosses, and get loot while having fun. We are a guild of friends, raiders, and dungeon runners working to build our brand of dungeons, raiding, and social events on the Wyrmrest Accord server and are looking for new, old, and returning players to join us.

Our top priority is to create an incredible guild environment for all members, in both casual and serious progression. We pride ourselves in creating a safe place for everyone to play the game regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or other beliefs. Our raid team is a mixture of excellent players working towards semi-casual heroic progression without compromising our core values. Our guild community and friendly, supportive raid atmosphere are very valuable to us, and it’s important that you share them to ensure a good fit.

We are seeking a number of players to fill out our raid roster for the tier. For our progression raid team, we hold raiders to the following expectations:

  • You should excel at understanding boss mechanics
  • You should be able to perform efficiently in a raid setting, including multitasking role-specific responsibilities while maintaining performance and avoiding lethal raid mechanics.
  • You should have a complete understanding of your class, including fight-specific talent, gear, or playstyle tweaks.
  • You should be able to maintain a high level of attendance, and communicate with raid leaders when you will miss raids.

We also welcome social and casual members and players focused on Mythic Dungeons and Keystone Master. We're seeking players who are looking to push keys as far as possible in a steady environment. We also provide a community for others who would normally shy away from dungeons, aiding them in learning routes, bosses, and dangerous mob mechanics in a stress-free environment. Casual / social players are also welcomed if seeking a place to call home.

To apply, please contact exsomet on Discord, or head to

Last updated 92 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic5/8 H6,6462,86136
Normal8/8 N5,6952,75626
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H8,4743,66140
Normal8/8 N5,0652,42626
Blackrock Depths
Normal7/8 N2,3971,21941
RealmID 487
GroupID 1329476
GuildID 1362520

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago