Last scanned 2 hours ago
About Ascension |
Welcome! Ascension was formed during T20(ToS) on Zul'jin. Our goal is to achieve CE every tier on a minimal raiding schedule (2 days/6 hours) and remain competitive. We strive to have a toxic-free atmosphere full of encouragement, friendliness, and teamwork. Outside of the specific needs for the CE team, core raiding spots are performance-based. We encourage strong players of any role to contact us at any time to join us! Raiding history: T20 (ToS): 6/9M (World 3145, US 1084) Raiding schedule: Tuesday & Wednesday 9 PM - 12 AM EST. Optional day is Thursday 9 PM - 12 AM EST for whatever activities we plan. Apply to the CE Team! Contact: Legoships (Discord) Last updated 1 week ago |
About Ascension |
Welcome! Ascension was formed during T20(ToS) on Zul'jin. Our goal is to achieve CE every tier on a minimal raiding schedule (2 days/6 hours) and remain competitive. We strive to have a toxic-free atmosphere full of encouragement, friendliness, and teamwork. Outside of the specific needs for the CE team, core raiding spots are performance-based. We encourage strong players of any role to contact us at any time to join us! Raiding history: T20 (ToS): 6/9M (World 3145, US 1084) Raiding schedule: Tuesday & Wednesday 9 PM - 12 AM EST. Optional day is Thursday 9 PM - 12 AM EST for whatever activities we plan. Apply to the CE Team! Contact: Legoships (Discord) Last updated 1 week ago |