Last scanned 2 days ago
About Eos |
Eos of Zul’jin is looking for rogues, ranged DPS, and healers for Mythic War Within prog! We raid primarily to achieve AOTC and then spend additional time pushing the first 4-6 Mythic bosses. Additionally, we work to get keys done each week for additional gearing opportunities for mains and alts alike. Our players also enjoy farming for mounts, achievements, transmog, and more. Our guild will be pushing for AOTC into mid Mythic for The War Within! Our current raid times are Tuesday and Thursday, 8pm - 11pm EST (5pm - 8pm PST). The guild will provide basic consumables for raid when feasible (Feasts and Cauldrons). Our players are active in M+ throughout the week as well. We hope to hear from you, and look forward to enjoying The War Within together. TL;DR [H] Eos Zul'jin Raid times: Tuesday/Thursday - 8pm - 11pm EST Focus: AOTC into Mid Mythic Progression: Nerubar Palace: 8/8 H | 4/8 M Amirdrassil: 9/9 H | 6/9 M Aberrus: 9/9 H | 4/9 M Vault: 8/8 H | 5/8 M SOFO 11/11 H | 2/11 M SoD 10/10 H | 4/10 M CN 10/10 H | 5/10 M *Recruiting: 1 rogue, any ranged DPS, and any healer specs, but anyone should apply if you are looking for a mythic guild! Contact: Discord: ThoseCrazyGuys#0185 Bnet: ThatCrazyGuy#1109 Last updated 4 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Glaivedomain Officers: Malariac |
About Eos |
Eos of Zul’jin is looking for rogues, ranged DPS, and healers for Mythic War Within prog! We raid primarily to achieve AOTC and then spend additional time pushing the first 4-6 Mythic bosses. Additionally, we work to get keys done each week for additional gearing opportunities for mains and alts alike. Our players also enjoy farming for mounts, achievements, transmog, and more. Our guild will be pushing for AOTC into mid Mythic for The War Within! Our current raid times are Tuesday and Thursday, 8pm - 11pm EST (5pm - 8pm PST). The guild will provide basic consumables for raid when feasible (Feasts and Cauldrons). Our players are active in M+ throughout the week as well. We hope to hear from you, and look forward to enjoying The War Within together. TL;DR [H] Eos Zul'jin Raid times: Tuesday/Thursday - 8pm - 11pm EST Focus: AOTC into Mid Mythic Progression: Nerubar Palace: 8/8 H | 4/8 M Amirdrassil: 9/9 H | 6/9 M Aberrus: 9/9 H | 4/9 M Vault: 8/8 H | 5/8 M SOFO 11/11 H | 2/11 M SoD 10/10 H | 4/10 M CN 10/10 H | 5/10 M *Recruiting: 1 rogue, any ranged DPS, and any healer specs, but anyone should apply if you are looking for a mythic guild! Contact: Discord: ThoseCrazyGuys#0185 Bnet: ThatCrazyGuy#1109 Last updated 4 weeks ago |