Last scanned 2 days ago
About FwF |
Healer - Prefer someone who can play an alt healer. Resto druid / Pres/ Paladin / Priest
Raid times (Server Time) - 9:00pm - 12:00am EST Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Attendance Realistically you should have 100% attendance barring real-life emergencies. Real-life always comes first, but in order to accomplish our goals everyone needs to show up. Do not apply if you cannot consistently attend raid.
Application Link Contacts (Battlenet IDS) Flash#1659 - Bnet Flash1659 - Discord Last updated 1 week ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Terraformer Officers: Brantblaster, Dudemans, Dvz, Frizzdruid, Hotdogdotcom, Iplayfotm, Keefbluntz, Keefbluntzz, Keefmage, Keefp, Keefwar, Lilqueef, Mechanicgodx, Nikknitro, Nothingonyou, Orangeclass, Qs, Sgmx, Sugmux, Taejuando, Terraditch, Terraglaive, Terragloomz, Terrariff, Terrastabs |
About FwF |
Healer - Prefer someone who can play an alt healer. Resto druid / Pres/ Paladin / Priest
Raid times (Server Time) - 9:00pm - 12:00am EST Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Attendance Realistically you should have 100% attendance barring real-life emergencies. Real-life always comes first, but in order to accomplish our goals everyone needs to show up. Do not apply if you cannot consistently attend raid.
Application Link Contacts (Battlenet IDS) Flash#1659 - Bnet Flash1659 - Discord Last updated 1 week ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Terraformer Officers: Brantblaster, Dudemans, Dvz, Frizzdruid, Hotdogdotcom, Iplayfotm, Keefbluntz, Keefbluntzz, Keefmage, Keefp, Keefwar, Lilqueef, Mechanicgodx, Nikknitro, Nothingonyou, Orangeclass, Qs, Sgmx, Sugmux, Taejuando, Terraditch, Terraglaive, Terragloomz, Terrariff, Terrastabs |