Raider.IO 2 Year Anniversary!

Today marks the 2nd year since we launched Raider.IO!

We have been overwhelmed with how much support we've had from the community since our launch, and are deeply honored to be in the position to build cool features for fellow World of Warcraft fans.

To commemorate the event, we have a special contest and a few features to release:

  • View Guilds with Active Streamers! Look for the red dot next to any guild.
  • View Other Runs by Same Group: When you are on a Keystone Run page, you will now see a sidebar with links to other recently completed runs by that exact same group of characters.
  • Favorite Alts: You can now choose to mark alts as a “favorite”, which will make them more easily accessible in the dropdown at the top of the site.
  • Date format customization: You can configure how to format dates by going to the Date & Time settings page.
  • Privacy updates: You can now independently configure the privacy settings for Mythic Plus and Raiding addon data.

We also have a few other updates:

Raider.IO Shop

While this has silently been up for a couple of weeks, we hadn't called attention to it yet. Our new DesignByHumans shop is where you can buy your Raider.IO swag, including the BFA Season 1 Affixes t-shirt. Check it out here.

Exalted Patreon Tier

We've had people asking for a higher tier on our Patreon, and we now support one with some extra perks! Check it out here.


  • Desktop client updates scores 8 times a day
  • Utilize up to 2 Custom Vanity URLs
  • Queue priority elevated above Revered level
  • Automatically qualify for all locked header backgrounds
  • Exalted Patron rank in Discord
  • Plus all rewards from Friendly, Honored, and Revered tiers