Raid and Dungeon BlizzConline Highlights

BlizzConline has concluded with an abundance of news surrounding patch 9.1: Chains of Domination. With all the panels now complete, we'll be summarizing all the important news for raiding, dungeons, and Mythic+ that was revealed in case you missed anything in the massive amount of information that was shared throughout the event.
To start things off, there might be some exciting news coming for the faction balance problem in the future, as Game Director Ion Hazzikostas addressed the issue in his most recent Q&A. It sounds a lot like there might be some potential plans to allow some type of cross-faction... something! Check out his Ion’s full and expansive answer below:
The big news of course is the new raid. We're actually getting another Nathria-level 10-boss one, which is pretty unusual for a .1 patch as they tend to be smaller, like the 3-boss Crucible of Storms and Trial of Valor raids in the previous two expansions. The Sanctum of Domination is located in the Maw and not only houses the Jailer's most trusted allies, but also some of the "worst" souls in the Maw, kept there for the Jailer's personal tormenting joy.
We don't know the full roster yet, but we will be seeing:
- The Tarragrue. If you've ever been taken down by this fellow, you'll get your chance at revenge in the new raid.
- Fate of the Damned. Some of the souls the Jailer has been torturing personally. Perhaps some aren't actually all that bad?
- The Eye of the Jailer.The real one, which is actually Odyn's eye which he traded to be able to see into the Shadowlands.
- Kel'thuzad.After another in his many, MANY setbacks, the lich is back at his master's side and we get to stomp him for the 50th time.
- Sylvanas. She is the final boss, and according to Blizzard, the encounter will have a phase unlike any other boss so far in WoW and it will "change the future of the Shadowlands". No pressure.
The gear from the raid will have the "power of Domination" that players will be able to "tinker with", as Ion Hazzikostas teased in a PC Gamer interview, but it seems there will be more to raid gear than what we've seen so far. We'll know more about the new system as the PTR approaches. The raid sets from the Sanctum will be using the current legendary armor looks with different colors, with new Domination themed weapons to go with them.

While there won't be any new Mythic+ dungeons, at least not at launch, there will be a Megadungeon! Tazavesh, the Veiled Market, is a Broker-themed dungeon with 8 bosses, which will start off as Mythic only, but will most likely get the Karazhan/Operation Mechagon treatment and be split into two Mythic+ ones later down the line. It also has a hard mode and the second part of the dungeon sees us chasing a broker through many portals to different realms, one of them hosting an already legendary pirate infinite dragon.
Gather your party and discover exotic wares and strange creatures in the new eight-boss Mythic mega-dungeon; Tazavesh: the Veiled Market. Set in a bazaar of the mysterious brokers, you’ll face off against dastardly assassins, four-armed broker guards, an infinite pirate dragon, and other enemies as you chase down a wayward broker before she can unleash the might of a stolen artifact to realize her own designs.
This Mythic-only instance can reward players with loot coveted by broker society—including a dazzling assortment of weaponry, otherworldly pets, and a mount.
Gather your party and discover exotic wares and strange creatures in the new eight-boss Mythic mega-dungeon; Tazavesh: the Veiled Market. Set in a bazaar of the mysterious brokers, you’ll face off against dastardly assassins, four-armed broker guards, an infinite pirate dragon, and other enemies as you chase down a wayward broker before she can unleash the might of a stolen artifact to realize her own designs.
This Mythic-only instance can reward players with loot coveted by broker society—including a dazzling assortment of weaponry, otherworldly pets, and a mount.

For Mythic+ specifically, the Season 2 affix was not detailed other than that it is Domination-themed. The Season 2 Keystone Master mounts will be re-colors of the S1 versions.

While there weren't a lot of details on the raid and dungeon specifics, we still found out plenty at this limited BlizzCon edition, and the patch itself is looking solid. The big question remains how soon that Megadungeon will be split and available for Mythic+ players, as new dungeon blood is always needed!

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About the Author
Starym is an old-school raider with a wide history of World Firsts under his belt. He is a long-time news writer and interviewer for Icy Veins and formerly Manaflask. Having raided in the Race to World First (RWF) until the end of The Burning Crusade, he has been covering the events since Cataclysm and the RWF has become his greatest passion in WoW. A (Tauren, obviously) Warrior main at heart, when pushed, he will admit to loving Diablo more than WoW and, thus, should be punished.