Community Spotlight: Oasis

Character Portraits by Neko Nyawww and Ehkko Art
Throughout the history of WoW, there has existed an unspoken culture marked by a series of divides that feel like definitive choices — such as the decision to be a “PvPer” or a “PvEer”. Some people feel they must be a healer and only a healer. Some players even feel that they must choose to accept or perpetuate toxicity to play at a certain level of the game — forfeiting their values and beliefs. This one hits very close to home.
Oasis is a community within WoW that has shattered these barriers. As proponents of inclusion, education, and positivity, Oasis is teeming with resources and possibilities. The Oasis community not only provides a strong network for players looking to learn and improve their skill in PvP and PvE, but Oasis furthers their community goals through tangible initiatives such as events and live workshops.
Today, we bring you an exclusive interview with Cherry, the founder of Oasis, and Ferris, the leader of their new Mythic+ division. In this piece, you’ll learn about the origins of Oasis, the challenges and highlights of running community events, guide writing, casting, and the obstacles these women have overcome as minorities, but also as born leaders. At its core, Oasis stands for instilling true and lasting change.
I would like to extend a warm thank you to Cherry and Ferris for really digging deep in this interview. Thank you for your humility, bravery, candor, and for lifting us up.
Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

“We want players to be a part of a community where they are encouraged to improve, pass on what they have learned to others, and promote positivity.” —Cherry
Cherry: Hello readers! I’m Cherry! All my characters will typically have “cherry” in their name… think of it as…a personal “prefix”. I am 22 years old so I have been playing WoW for as long as I can remember. I vaguely remember playing on my dad’s character in Alterac Valley back in Vanilla and playing a Hunter in BC. Most of my memories are from Wrath of the Lich King and onwards.
I am an altoholic but have mostly played Demon Hunter, Druid, Monk, and Hunter. Before, I could never decide on which class I liked the most and typically tried out every class to figure out which one felt the most exciting to me. I finally chose a main towards the end of BFA and now main a Mistweaver Monk! My favorite content in WoW is PvP but I much prefer RBGs over Arenas because they tend to be more fun, regardless of the MMR I play at.
Outside of WoW, I am a recent college graduate. I graduated with a B.S. for Physiology and Neuroscience and a minor in Psychology. My future plans include applying for PA (Physician’s Assistant) school and (maybe) keeping gaming/esports somewhat on the side. I currently work for WoW Esports as an Observer. I was hired back in October of 2020 so I have been fortunate to work on a few AWC/MDI seasons and even other “one-off” events such as the Classic AB tournament and The Great Push.
I absolutely LOVE boba and plushies. If you get me one, you are instantly on my good side!
Ferris: Hello! My name is Sophie, and I go by Ferrís online. I’m from the US — the East Coast to be more specific. I’ve been playing World of Warcraft since my freshman year of high school when my friends got me into it back in 2013, and I’ve mained a resto druid for all but the first two years of my journey in Azeroth. My favorite content is Mythic+ by far. I love pushing myself as I get into higher keys and finding out what I’m capable of (and what my groups think I’m capable of).
Outside of WoW, I really enjoy the arts — playing the saxophone, writing stories, and occasionally some painting, but also spending time with my family. I’m a recent college graduate; I had my ceremony earlier this year. I’m proud to announce that I have my B.S. in Psychology and Political Science. I’m not quite sure what the future holds, but I’m excited and ready!

“We want Oasis to be a community where players are encouraged to ask questions and seek advice without fear of being berated for lack of experience.” —Cherry
Cherry: Oasis was founded in 2018 by myself and a group of close friends. I had recently gotten lobbed off of my RBG team because of drama and another player was essentially picked over me. I remember while I was on the team I was often treated as the weakest link and even occasionally referred to as the person being “carried”. Thus, they had no problem removing me and did not hesitate to do so. That prompted me to come up with the idea of creating a nontoxic community that helped people learn how to RBG. I did not want players, especially newer ones, to experience similar things that I had to deal with as I networked and pushed for rating. Originally, I tried to do it solo and hosted groups via Twitch streams in my personal Discord but then I decided to reach out to friends to help out.
At first we went by a generic name, “PvP community”, and the name “Oasis” came later. Why “Oasis”? My friends and I sat down one day and decided we needed a “brand” for our community because it was growing larger and gaining more recognition from players in the RBG scene. Oasis was something that came to mind because of its connotation and because of how some players were describing our community. Some individuals reached out to me and would express their gratitude towards our community, saying things like “I’m so glad something like this finally exists”. When I was brainstorming names, I wanted a name that captured this feeling that players were sharing with us and that also highlighted the goals and purpose of our community. Thus my thought process was… if an individual is stranded alone in the desert (in this case the dying PvP community is the desert) and seeks aid, what do they typically search for?… Shelter and water. Where do you find both of those things?… An Oasis.
What are the core values of Oasis? Learning and community engagement. We want Oasis to be a community where players are encouraged to ask questions and seek advice without fear of being berated for lack of experience. We want players to be a part of a community where they are encouraged to improve, pass on what they have learned to others, and promote positivity.

“I love writing guides because I love learning about the game...It feels great to organize what I learn and to translate it into my own language to help other people understand things.” —Ferris
Cherry: I only have experience writing one guide, an RBG guide. This guide was shared on Twitter, throughout several Discords, communities, guilds, and even reached EU regions. A fun fact about the guide is that there’s actually a version of it that got translated in Russian for a Russian PvP community! I wrote the guide from the perspective of someone that may be entirely new to the PvP scene in order to help ensure I covered as many bases as possible, especially the ones that may be easily looked over. Unfortunately, it was recently spam reported by trolls and was automatically taken down due to a “DMCA claim” and I am unable to counterclaim it because it would release my personal information to the person that reported it. However, I am working with Wowhead to get it published on their website so it can continue being viewed and shared!
I found a lot of joy in compiling the guide and even more so after hearing so much positive feedback from the community. It was heartwarming and encouraging to see how many players appreciated the guide, felt motivated to go for their first PvP achievements, encouraged their guilds to form an RBG group, and so much more. Recently on FFXIV, a WoW player recognized me over there and thanked me too!

In the future, I will definitely continue expanding upon the guide and listening to feedback from readers, especially if there is a high demand for a new section to be added and talked about. Several individuals have also recommended and encouraged me to start doing YouTube guides. I am a complete noob when it comes to technology but I am considering it because I understand that people effectively learn and absorb information differently (i.e. visual vs. auditory learners). I have also considered doing a Mistweaver Monk RBG guide since it is my main class. If there is a high demand for it, it could be a possibility!
Ferris: I love writing guides because I love learning about the game — mechanics, abilities, and even a little lore. It feels great to organize what I learn and to translate it into my own language to help other people understand things. I first started writing these guides as part of research to understand raiding a little better (after getting flamed by my guild for wiping on heroic Gul’dan back in Nighthold), since I had a hard time keeping track of all the information in the video guides but ALSO struggled just staring at the walls of text on other guides.
I definitely plan to write more guides, perhaps expanding into other aspects of the game besides just raids!
If you’d like to check out my Sanctum of Domination Raid Guide, click here.
Additionally, here is my Mythic+ Lieutenants guide-at-a-glance for Season 2:

Q-4: What is the story of the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament? What is the format you use and how did it come about?
Ferris: I’ve long admired the MDI and had the utmost respect for the high-end players that dedicate their time & effort to come up with strategies, routes, and different group comps to pump out those huge keys - but competing has always been a dream that has been out of reach due to the time (and skill level) required. I’ve been incredibly invested in Mythic+, and the idea for an accessible tournament based around that aspect of the game was something I was determined to explore. I messed around with several different concepts & ideas, but finally settled upon the idea that surrounded my own fascination with Mythic+, which is pushing keys. The Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament was organized entirely around this concept, giving teams the real ‘pushing’ experience by having them start with a fresh +2 at the beginning of their run and giving them two hours of runtime to push the key as high as they could.

Q-5: What are some of the challenges of running community tournaments and providing community resources? What obstacles have you overcome?
Cherry: A definite challenge of running community tournaments is figuring out the formatting. Players are often found complaining about tournaments because they do not agree with the rules, the same (high rated players) show up and “roflstomp” on players, the time/day of the event is not suitable for them, etc. Everyone knows that it is impossible to please everyone but we want to ensure that our tournaments encourage players to come back to compete again.
In addition, advertisement tends to be another challenge. Our main forms of advertisement are Twitter, word-of-mouth, and sometimes Reddit. I do not post on Reddit too often because a lot of communities do not allow “self-advertisement”. However, we have gradually gotten better with advertisement because our Twitter following has grown and more individuals are liking/retweeting our posts for visibility. A simple, quick action like a retweet/share helps a ton — more than people realize!
Ferris: I think that the biggest and most obvious obstacle when running community tournaments can definitely be reaching a larger audience. While I wasn’t very concerned with viewers for the event, having competition in the tournament was tough. When hosting the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament, I dealt with the possibility of struggling with team signups by allowing players to compete on more than one team — something that will be changing in future iterations of the tournament as I hope to reach a wider audience.
Additionally, finding staffing & volunteers posed a significant challenge. Most notably, it was far more difficult than I thought it would be to find casters for the event. With limited resources (a non-existent budget for casters) and some knowledge of the PvP casters for other Oasis tournaments, it was a big challenge to find reliable casters for the duration of the event. While Cherry was modding the chat and supervising the stream itself, I joined the caster desk to provide commentary and did my best to step up to the task during the tournament — including casting by myself for extended durations.
Finally, general inexperience with this sort of event posed a challenge. While I found that I could rely on Cherry’s feedback and advice for construction of the event, organization, and other details, there were still some elements that became minor issues once the tournament was underway — most notably addressing the scoring regarding keys over the highest number used as an example on the initial scoring guide.

“When trying to find communities in which I belong, being able to draw boundaries and refusing to accept being treated poorly is tough.” —Ferris
TRIGGER WARNING for Readers: Rape Jokes, Misogyny, and Racism.
Cherry: One personal challenge I have faced in WoW in my first years of PvPing was gender-based harassment. I was accused of only achieving my rating and achievements because of my gender. I was told to my face by an ex-guild member/ex-raid leader that I was incapable of leading a raid group due to my gender after I called him out for mistreating our raid roster. I had rape jokes made towards me back in Legion when I was still under the age of 18, and yes, the people at the time were well aware of my age. I have had a Discord named after me which was used to pass a selfie of me around and make fun of my looks because I had “pissed off” an individual and he wanted to get back at me. I even received death threats when I first started Oasis because everyone saw it as a joke and did not think I could pull it off. Luckily, I do not deal with harassment as often anymore and I brush it off a lot more easily. Nevertheless, as a person that was dealing with several personal issues throughout highschool and beginning the transition to college and living on my own, it was definitely a lot to manage simultaneously.
What helped me push through was my friends. My close friends knew that I always tried my hardest to learn and push my rating. They knew the passion and drive I had for Oasis and they wanted to see me and the community succeed. Many of them still play and talk to me to this day. They constantly tell me to take breaks so I do not overwork myself and remind me that they are here for me when my personal life starts to become a huge burden and takes a toll on my mental health. They are always so supportive. Surrounding myself with positive and amazing friends is definitely one of the biggest reasons I have overcome several obstacles, both in game and in my personal life. And although these experiences may have been bad, they have shaped me into the person I am today and I have become stronger and more independent because of it.
Ferris: The biggest personal challenge I’ve encountered in WoW is balancing the game with my real life. It’s been tough to balance out spending time in the real world with my friends and family with the times that I spend in Azeroth — as bad as that sounds. I’ve been dealing with this by creating boundaries regarding my personal to give myself time to relax in the real world, trying to organize a sort-of schedule about when I’m typically playing (certain times on certain days), and enjoying AFK breaks in game to speak with my family, but it’s still something I’m working on overcoming.
Another major challenge that relates to my life is dealing with my personal identity and what that means when it comes to other players. Dealing with harassment because of my race and my gender has been something I’ve been navigating even before playing World of Warcraft, but I’ve found myself becoming hyper aware of my identity playing a game with a community that doesn’t typically look like me. When trying to find communities in which I belong, being able to draw boundaries and refusing to accept being treated poorly is tough. I’ve definitely seen some growth in the community over the past few years because of the spread of education and people starting to hold their friends accountable, but I also distinctly remember the days where being called racial slurs or being sexually harassed in a Discord channel was just something that was seen as typical behaviour and something that I’d have to put up with if I actually wanted to play the game. I’m so happy that I’ve found the confidence and love for myself to refuse to tolerate that behaviour and demand better from others, while doing my best to create/support spaces in the community that are genuinely working to improve the overall environment.
Note from Cherry & Ferris:
If you are someone that has dealt with (or are currently dealing with) some of the issues discussed in this article, please understand that you are NOT alone and that there are communities, individuals, and resources out there waiting for you. You deserve the ability to enjoy the game, you deserve to have your boundaries respected, and you deserve to be treated with dignity.
If you are someone that has been on the other side of this behaviour, or someone who has been a bystander, please understand that it is not too late to reflect on your actions and do better. Just because some behaviors may seem “normalized” or are considered a “joke”, that does not necessarily mean that it is okay and that you should tolerate it.
This community — our community — is always open to change. That change starts with each of us: how we play the game, how we choose to interact with others, and the community and friendships we decide to build around us. If we do not empower change, then who will?

Q-7: What are some of the highlights you’ve experienced through your journey with Oasis?
Cherry: A huge highlight that I have experienced through my journey with Oasis definitely includes all of the interactions I have had with members of the community. I am extremely blessed and honored to be given numerous opportunities to network with people in the WoW esports sphere, to meet talented individuals, and to make an abundance of new friends. Never would I have imagined my first job being related to a video game that has been a major part of my life. Never would I have imagined that my passion of wanting to help others would grow into something so impactful. Never would I have imagined that YOLO’ing myself into a leadership position would help me grow as an individual. Oasis is like a family to me and I never expected it to become as big as it has. Video games and Oasis have definitely saved my life more times than I can count and I am eternally grateful for that.
Ferris: The most notable highlight I’d like to mention was the moment when I saw the very first team sign up for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament. That’s when things started feeling real for me, and I can’t even put the rush of excitement I felt into words to describe it.

“The best part about World of Warcraft is the people, and casting gives you the opportunity to enjoy that aspect of larger events by connecting with viewers.” —Ferris
Cherry: I casted for the very first time for our Oasis Wargames that took place on September 3rd alongside Dmachine and Slendy. One thing I definitely learned was making sure I have complete thoughts before speaking up. I tend to get hyperactive and excited when I am super passionate about something and my brain will formulate sentences faster than I can speak them. That causes me to begin talking but lose my train of thought halfway through because my mind already jumps to another point or topic. I plan to cast future Oasis Wargame events as we plan to host them bi-weekly and I am sure with more practice I will become more familiar and comfortable with casting.
One thing I enjoyed most about casting was the natural feeling of it. I have always had a strong passion for RBGs and sharing my thoughts about them with others. As an individual that has led several groups of varying skill levels, I am quite familiar with analyzing games and understanding why a team decides on a certain strategy. I strongly believe that having this background knowledge helped me to settle into the casting position and not be as nervous as I thought I would be. On top of that, having the opportunity to cast the event with friends made the setting that much more relaxing and laid back.
Oasis 10v10 Wargame Event, September 3, 2021
Ferris: While I did provide commentary for the first Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament, I felt like the first time I was properly able to cast an event was the BDGG charity event for Girls Who Code since I was able to focus entirely on that position rather than production/management for a tournament at the same time. I learned the most from casting the Charity event, when I had the pleasure of working with Psybearslat and Lythiara, that the people are the most important part. It doesn’t matter how much you know about a subject (in that case), it’s your personality and just being yourself that really matters. That’s what Grant told me when I had the pleasure of his company to discuss casting events and asked him all my questions about casting prior to the event, and it’s the advice that I felt made me the most comfortable with my casting. You’re able to do a much better job at casting when you’re not focused on changing your personality or presenting a different version of yourself in the meantime.
Personally, my favorite thing about casting events is being able to share an experience with other people. Not only are you interacting with what you’re seeing in front of you, but you’re able to interact with everyone else that’s also watching and connect with them on some level. The best part about World of Warcraft is the people, and casting gives you the opportunity to enjoy that aspect of larger events by connecting with viewers.

Q-9: What do you love about working with each other?
Cherry: I love that Ferris is extremely thorough and detailed with her ideas! When she first presented the idea of her Mythic+ tournament to me, practically every detail was clearly outlined and explicitly explained. It was easy to follow and provide feedback and slight suggestions to clean it up a little more. Personally, I am a huge organizational addict and being able to see a well, thought out idea was pleasing.
Ferris is also an extremely energetic and passionate person and I love that about her. It definitely shines through when she is streaming and when she is chatting to me about ideas for future PvE tournaments. She is also creative and hardworking! I mean… heck…she made all the Mythic+ tournament graphics and broadcasted it all herself! I am very proud of her and the work she has accomplished and I look forward to continuing supporting and helping her with any future plans she has in store for us.
Ferris: I absolutely love Cherry’s entire personality/energy/vibe. I don’t think there’s ever been a more perfect person to change the environment of the game or build a community. She’s welcoming, friendly, and just so accepting of people. Cherry is an absolute star to work with (in addition to being a pleasure to know), because she gives you space and is patient while you work but provides such good feedback and scaffolds you with whatever support you need. She’s incredibly knowledgeable about the landscape of the game, and she’s got an incredible willingness to learn more about new aspects.

“The Oasis community is exactly what I think the game needs and has been needing for quite some time to revitalize the sense of community and interpersonal relationships that MMORPGs are based upon.” —Ferris
Cherry: Oasis has primarily been a PvP community because of its RBG origins. However, about halfway through BFA when PvP participation was experiencing a drought, we decided to dabble in some PvE. Our guild and some active members began to try out Mythic+ content and Raiding. Overall, I would say it was a good experience and it kept the community active and alive despite the lack of PvP that was occurring in the game. Nevertheless, once Shadowlands came around and Season 1 hit, the community shifted back to remain a dominant PvP community.
Ferris was the first leader we had that initiated a large PvE movement in the Discord due to her Mythic+ tournament. Unfortunately, besides that, PvE content still lacks largely in our Discord. However, I think Oasis has helped bridge the gap between PvE and PvP especially during Season 1 when upgraded PvP gear was a huge deal. The MMR inflation that hit the RBG community motivated a lot of PvE players to try out RBGs for the first time because of the gear and we had several groups willing to teach them how to play. In the future, I hope we can continue to narrow the gap between PvE and PvP. Once players have a better understanding of a particular type of content, I think they are more inclined or encouraged to continue pushing as far as possible.
Ferris: I think that for a long time, players of this game have felt the need to decide between PvP and PvE. I think that phenomenon and that feeling has only been exacerbated by the competitive and elitist nature that we’re seeing at varying levels throughout the community that has resulted from people playing the game for so long. Queuing up for groups and posting a listing in LFG — people keep pushing themselves to be better, to get better, and as a result they’re hesitant to play with people that they see as less skilled or experienced than themselves. I think that people have forgotten what it’s like to be new, to be learning, to be discovering things for the first time. Maybe it was a quest that you couldn’t figure out, maybe it was an ability you didn’t know how to use properly, or maybe it was a stat that you didn’t know you needed - we’ve all struggled with something in the game at some point, and I’m sure we’ve all gotten help from someone else to grow. Oasis’ nature as a learning community provides that help to players so they can make mistakes, so they can improve, so they can enjoy the content like everybody else. By creating a friendly and welcoming environment for people to explore new avenues, players are able to actually get into groups and the content that they might have had difficulty exploring otherwise. The Oasis community is exactly what I think the game needs and has been needing for quite some time to revitalize the sense of community and interpersonal relationships that MMORPGs are based upon.

Q-11: What are your future plans for your org? Are there any plans in-the-works you’d like to share?
Cherry: Oasis plans to continue to host learning events and workshops for RBGs and we hope to expand more to PvE as well. The community can definitely expect more tournaments from Oasis as our Tournament Crew continues to grow and we meet more individuals that want to help host more events. We have several talented leaders and individuals that share a passion for the game and we all want to make it a better experience for the community. In addition, we plan to expand upon our “Advisor” role and reach out to multi rank 1/gladiator players that are open and willing to help players out with arena advice. Hopefully in the near future players can see more PvE groups from us and maybe eventually some social events as well.
An idea I recently came up with is a “Battle of the Raids”. I would love to reach out to Raiding guilds and have them put up an RBG team consisting of players from their raid roster. The idea of the event would focus only on PvE guilds playing against each other in RBGs. I think this is an interesting concept because a lot of raid teams already have synergy and great forms of communication since they typically play together 2-3 times a week. I would love to highlight how this form of teamwork could easily translate to RBGs and further encourage PvE players to give the game mode a chance. I have spoken to some players and they say that arenas tend to be more intimidating because they are more mechanical and individual player focused than RBGs. RBGs tend to focus more on map objectives and map strategy rather than individual mechanical skill (with the exception of teamfights and 1v1 situations). There have been times where some players with less experience have beaten RBG teams with more experience because they were able to “out-strategize” them. Therefore, I want to encourage more players to at least try out RBGs if they are not a fan of arenas.
Ferris: I think this question would be better answered by Cherry on a general scale, as she is the founder and organizer of this entire organization, but I can definitely let you know that we’ve got a variety of PvE events coming up to help players who are newer to both Mythic+ and Raid — including a second iteration of the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament!

“Record gameplay and look back to see what can be improved upon. Keep an OPEN MIND and listen to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.” —Cherry
Cherry: My #1 advice for ANY type of content in WoW would be to keep practicing and never give up. You are going to get frustrated. You are going to get upset. You are going to get the urge to just give up. You might even cry sometimes. THAT IS OKAY! We are human and we feel emotions, do not be ashamed of them. Do not ever think they make you weak. Take breaks when you need to. Get up, hydrate, stretch, and come back with a clear mind. Record gameplay and look back to see what can be improved upon. Keep an OPEN MIND and listen to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
My #2 advice for players looking to get into PvP is networking! As soon as you find a player that you can vibe with, that is chill/nontoxic, and shares similar goals… definitely add them. As an alliance main myself, this is especially important given how small the PvP player base is compared to horde. Networking not only allows you to build a small group of friends, but it also allows you to continuously play with the same people and build up synergy faster. Teamwork and synergy is extremely important in PvP because of how fast-paced the environment is and sometimes your strategy changes based on your team’s composition.
My #3 advice for players looking to get into PvP is to definitely become familiar with the offensive AND defensive CDs (cooldowns) across ALL classes and specializations along with their visual cues. There have been times where I played with players that did not pop defensives on a major offensive CD from the enemy and they said “What is that?”, “what does it do?”, and “how do I know they are using it?” Understanding these abilities is a huge deal in PvP!
Ferris: My advice to new players: Don’t give up. No matter how many mistakes you make, no matter how many groups you get declined from, no matter what anyone says to you. But at the same time, don't burn yourself out. Take time to stop and admire the scenery. The game isn’t always about who can do the most damage, or who’s got the highest item level, or who’s the best at PvP/PvE. There’s so much beauty in this game, and so much to enjoy outside of the fast pace you might be accustomed/addicted to. Go for a nice stroll through the zones, revisit old areas, and just see what else there is out there. There’s literally multiple entire worlds out there, don’t confine yourself to the newest thing or the most challenging parts of the game.

Q-13: How would someone go about joining Oasis? What can people do to help?
Cherry: Oasis is a public community and everyone is welcome to join! Our primary form of communication, sending out announcements, and group formation occurs in our Discord. If any NA Alliance players are looking for a guild, we have one on Stormrage!
Oasis is always looking for leaders to help host groups! Whether you are an achievement hunter, a raid leader, an RBG leader, or whatever…we would love to have you! There is an application and interview process that we do. Furthermore, simply retweeting/liking, sharing our Twitter posts, and following our Announcement channel in Discord helps to promote our events by giving them more visibility!

“From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate and love every single person that has been a part of this journey with us.” —Cherry
Cherry: I would like to thank every single individual that is responsible for keeping Oasis going. Shout out to all of my friends who helped me get it started, to all of the leaders that have come and gone or still continue to lead groups for us, to all of the individuals involved in Tournament Crew, and to every single person that has supported or helped out Oasis in any shape or form. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate and love every single person that has been a part of this journey with us.
Also, #BuffMW. Pls. I beg.
Ferris: I’d really like to shout out all of the people that were involved in the first ever Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament — the incredible players that signed up to compete, the wonderful donors who supported the prize pool, the amazing casters that volunteered their time, and the viewers at home who watched the entire thing involved!
(Also, buff Resto Druid.)
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- Follow Ehkko Art on Twitter
- Follow Neko Nyawww on Twitter
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About the Author
VitaminP (VP) is the Lead Editor & Assistant Producer of Raider.IO, and is pursuing a Masters of Business Administration. Although VP is currently focused on IRL, she specializes in tanking classes and loves competitive Mythic+. She is a Discord Partner and partnered Twitch streamer, but mostly you can find her editing, doing homework, cooking, playing with her dogs, and catching Pokémon.