Community Spotlight: Wolfdisco

Today, we had the privilege of chatting with our Raider.IO Featured Streamer of the week: the high-ranked, multi-classing, and very chill, Wolfdisco!
Learn about Wolfdisco’s history in the Race to World First (RWF), his passion for the MDI, his fascination with multi-classing, and so much more!

Table of Contents

“A good shortcut to learning and improving in WoW is to play with people that are better than you whenever possible. Absorb their knowledge as much as you can!”
Q-1: Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us today. First, we’d like to get to know you a little better. Can you tell us a little more about yourself and your background with WoW/gaming?
Wolfdisco: Hi! My name is Linus but most people just call me Wolf online. I was born and raised in Sweden. My favorite spec in WoW for the last couple of expansions has probably been Arms Warrior, but it changes each expansion. Outside of WoW, I like to go to the gym, cook, and I am also an avid enjoyer of music and TV series.

Q-2: How did you get started with the competitive side of WoW? Since you are both raiding at the top level and playing competitive Mythic+, what triggered your desire to be one of the best across various PvE content?
Wolfdisco: Being very competitive-minded, it was natural for me to keep improving my gameplay. During the Legion expansion, I decided that I wanted to play at a higher level than a “casual” player. Much like many other players in Legion, I did Mythic+ dungeons basically all day every day – and, as time passed, I met and became friends with a lot of people that I still play with today. When the MDI was first announced back in Legion, it was the natural step for me and the people I played with at the time to try our chances in the competition. Since then, I have played on a few different teams over the years with varying results.

Q-3: We know that you are one of the gamers who has played in both EU and in NA when it comes to high-end content, such as the RWF (FSY to Liquid to Echo). What would you say are the pros and cons of playing in different regions or guilds, and where are you most comfortable?
Wolfdisco: The biggest benefit by far of playing in the various guilds has been to meet tons of people that I now consider good friends. I had loads of fun during my time in Liquid (formerly “Limit”), but it was unfortunately not ideal for me to play on an “NA schedule” while living in EU. Playing with 100+ ping was also not ideal for some of the fast-pace specs in the game. Playing in the EU region is more comfortable for me personally, but I miss a lot of the Liquid boys – especially the Señors!

Q-4: If you could only play in the RWF, the MDI, or the TGP, which would you choose and why?
Wolfdisco: I would probably pick the RWF. Mythic raiding has always been the best part of WoW for me.

“My team's goal is definitely to improve just as everyone else. We’ve gone into Dragonflight with a new mindset and more dedication than before.”
Q-5: The MDI is around the corner, and a new tournament season is always super exciting. What are you and your team’s goals for the upcoming MDI and what are your plans for achieving them?
Wolfdisco: My team's goal is definitely to improve just as everyone else. We’ve gone into Dragonflight with a new mindset and more dedication than before. Our biggest change from previous seasons is definitely to put more effort into the game outside of the tournament weeks.

Q-6: You are one of the best multi-classers we know of. What makes multiclassing so enjoyable for you?
Wolfdisco: I’ve always enjoyed playing multiple different classes and specs; I never had the die-hard attachment to a singular class like some people do. For me, it was never really an obligation – it was mostly out of enjoyment. My favorite spec has basically changed every expansion; a few examples are WoD Fire Mage, Legion Shadow Priest and Legion Arms Warrior. If I had to pick one singular spec across all expansions, it would probably be Arms.

“So far, Dragonflight has been great and it has reignited my passion for the game. Of all classes I’ve played, the class design has been massively improved compared to BFA and Shadowlands.”
Q-7: On that note, how do you like Dragonflight so far? What are your favorite and/or least favorite aspects of the expansion so far?
Wolfdisco: So far, Dragonflight has been great and it has reignited my passion for the game. Of all classes I’ve played, the class design has been massively improved compared to BFA and Shadowlands. My biggest complaint has to be the first raid, which was a letdown in my eyes.

Q-8: What are your hopes and dreams for Dragonflight or future WoW expansions?
Wolfdisco: Put more emphasis on class design as they have in Dragonflight – by far the most important aspect of WoW. I hope this continues in combination with the continuous class tuning and talent reworks they have been releasing so far!

Q-9: We noticed that all of your characters are named after an animal and then followed by the word “disco”. Is there any story behind this? Which iteration of your name is your favorite?
Wolfdisco: I’ve always liked animals, and my character names kind of developed over time while I was playing a game called Heroes of Newerth (HoN) many years ago. A friend of mine at the time said something like “imagine how cool it would be to have a disco with a bunch of turtles,” and that’s how the original Turtledisco was born. My favorite is definitely Wolfdisco though.

Q-10: As someone who is facing a lot of challenges in games and loves music, how do you hype yourself up during RWF or the MDI music-wise? And what are your go-to’s for practice?
Wolfdisco: Some good Metalcore always gets me hyped up – there’s nothing quite like it for me. Some personal hype favorites for me are:

Q-11: If you woke up tomorrow noticing that your body changed into half human and half mount, which mount would you like to be and which half of it?
Wolfdisco: That would have to be the wing part of some dragon mount. Being able to fly would be too lit!

“My best advice is always to try to improve your own gameplay and get to know as many people as possible, everything else kind of comes naturally over time. The person you meet in a PUG today might become your teammate in a few years!”
Q-12: Do you have any advice for aspiring players looking to make their foray into the competitive side of WoW? Any tips for getting noticed by top guilds or Mythic+ teams?
Wolfdisco: My best advice is to always try to improve your own gameplay and get to know as many people as possible – everything else kind of comes naturally over time. The person you meet in a PUG today might become your teammate in a few years! A good shortcut to learning and improving in WoW is to play with people that are better than you whenever possible. Absorb their knowledge as much as you can!
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About the Author
Picco is an old-fashioned WoW gamer that started back in Vanilla and has played ever since. She is a healer by heart and is currently maining Restoration Druid. She loves Mythic+ and has a great passion for events like the MDI and TGP. Picco is part of the KeystoneMasters team and enjoys jiggling around with ideas for fun new formats of community tournaments. She is also a Mod for several streamers and guilds, particularly during the RWF. Outside of WoW, Picco is a Sprout in FF14, where she explores with her Lala Summoner.