Play Like the Pros: Import This Week's High Mythic+ Routes
Do you love Mythic+ but are too busy throughout the week between school, work, family, or raiding to see what routes the top players are running on streams?
We’ve got you covered with our new series: Play Like the PROS!
Today, we share some of the advanced routes that we have seen on Twitch streams this week to help you optimize your weekend key pushing sessions! Want to know what the pros are doing? Read on to import their routes and maybe learn some new tech!
Table of Contents
Dragonflight Season 1 Route Transcriptions - Fortified
Dungeon Run: Ruby Life Pools +24
Team: Nekadeth, Fínis, Canexxsix, Knowmeww, Petkosham
Affix Combo: Fortified, Bolstering, Storming, Thundering
- Priority damage on each Blazebound Destroyer is crucial so that its Inferno cast does not get Bolstered.
- The Scorchlings underneath where Flamegullet lands are crucial count. If you plan to skip this dragon, pull the Scorchlings away after he flies off and walk around the tree to skip him.
- Avoid letting Tempest Channelers Bolster before Lightning Storm and be prepared to use defensives whenever High Channeler Ryvati might Bolster from the two Storm Warriors beside her.
Dungeon Run: Halls of Valor +23
Team: Qaziclap, Jakbcastin, Beyzi, Humanitydh, Jamby
Affix Combo: Fortified, Bolstering, Storming, Thundering
- Generally, you never want a pull with two Valarjar Thundercallers because of how many kicks they demand.
- The minibosses before Hyrja do not Bolster each other.
- Clearing Ebonclaw Worgs is very dependent on what options your group composition has to deal with Scent of Blood.
- This is a very kite-heavy dungeon, so for a number of these pulls, there’s no expectation for your tank to stay in melee range of the enemies. Melee DPS players: Watch all the cleaves and frontals!
- The order in which the minibosses are killed before God King Skovald can depend on how well your tank’s class/spec can deal with Sever.
Dungeon Run: The Nokhud Offensive +24
Affix Combo: Fortified, Bolstering, Storming, Thundering
- There is a high health disparity between the Nokhud Plainstompers and the rest of their packs, but don’t hesitate to blow up the other mobs and let your tank kite out the Bolstered mob since it stops frequently to stomp and shout.
- Nokhud Warspears and any of the Stormcallers are extremely deadly mobs to Bolster and just one stack can quickly make Swift Stab or Stormbolt lethal.
- Batak and Balara can be skipped by pulling the boss after one party member is already engaged in combat with them and then that player can either use an ability that drops combat or die and get battle rezzed.
- If you have a Death Knight, using Control Undead is a great way to give your party a consistent 20% haste buff by stealing a Risen Mystic and having it cast Swift Wind on your allies.
Dungeon Run: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds +25
Affix Combo: Fortified, Bolstering, Storming, Thundering
- Jumping down in the first area to quickly snap the small spiders and the Defiled Spirits is a nice small time save.
- Be aware that Subjugated Souls attack the targets that have the most threat with the Shadowmoon Dominator that is channeling on them.
- Teams with four kicks can pull all four Monstrous Corpse Spiders together and opt to skip the patrolling Exhumer after Nhallish.
- The higher the key that you are pushing, the deadlier the final pull with two Void Spawn will become. On this week’s affixes, it might become worthy of your last Bloodlust rather than either of the two bosses.
Dungeon Run: Court of Stars +25
Affix Combo: Fortified, Bolstering, Storming, Thundering
- Unfortunately, Duskwatch Sentries will Bolster other mobs upon death, so the best way to deal with them is to start them locked in a non-combat CC and bring them in at the end of a pull.
- Allowing a Guardian Construct to cast Charging Station is actually a decent way to try and avoid Bolstering because it will only heal the mobs around it and not itself.
- Sending the healer to unlock the gate after the first boss while the group gets efficient count in the dock area is the biggest time save in this route.
- On a normal week you would pull a lot of extra enemies onto Felbound Enforcers and you still should, but only after the Enforcer has reached ~40% health so all the targets can be killed at the same time.
- The minibosses scale with Fortified, so when you pull additional enemies into the end of Imacu’tya, be careful not to let her get any Bolstering stacks before Scream of Pain.
- Once you enter the second area of Court of Stars (after the first boss), some amount of randomness will affect your route – either through your Enforcer spawn locations or what interactable buffs/items spawn for you on the ground. The most important thing to note is to have no less than 178 count (93.68% enemy forces) before entering the Jeweled Estate.
Dungeon Run: Temple of the Jade Serpent +23
Affix Combo: Fortified, Bolstering, Storming, Thundering
- If you’re a masochist who normally chain pulls the Corrupt Living Water mobs, maybe hold off on that this week.
- The two named pandas, Xiang and Jiang, are much too deadly on Fortified for how little count they contribute. It is far better to pull the two extra mobs from the back alley of the fountain area if you have any way of skipping them.
- Shambling Infesters are the main mobs with high health disparity in this key, but the first one can be tunneled before chain pulling to the usual patrol and the second one is maybe best killed alone if your group doesn’t have an incredible way to prevent the damage of the exploding Malformed Sha.
- On Fortified, the final trash pull is absurd and hardly manageable all at once depending on what options your tank has to survive. Consider CCing one or two mobs if you find yourself with any extra time left to spare.
Dungeon Run: Algeth'ar Academy +25
Affix Combo: Fortified, Bolstering, Storming, Thundering
- The Arcane Ravagers can be a major pain point, so starting the pull with only the enemies directly tied to them and then pulling all the surrounding Arcane Foragers when their health has equaled out is a good strategy to avoid the BIG wyrm.
- It was discovered that you can use long-range abilities or leap off the Crawth platform to pull down the future packs of eagles early. The birds will snap, and mobs that snap evade for a few seconds making it impossible to change their aggro target or CC them in any way. This can be deadly for anyone other than the tank, but if you’re able to get all the Bolstering out of the way at once and kite the surviving Alpha Eagles, it can save much more time than waiting for each wave one at a time.
- Vile Lashers have more than twice the health of Aggravated Skitterflys so ideally you can pull the first set of three skitterflys with every lasher and chain pull into the next set of skitterflys when the previous three die.
- Algeth’ar Echoknights’ greatest weakness is the Z-axis, so pulling them onto the staircase in the last area prevents all damage from Astral Whirlwind to any players standing on a stair lower than them. Because they hit the tank quite hard and since they don’t attack the tank when they are spinning, refrain from using CC and let them spin as long as they are on the staircase.
Dungeon Run: The Azure Vault +24
Affix Combo: Fortified, Bolstering, Storming, Thundering
- Bolstering the Crystal Furies in the first pull isn’t deadly as long as every cast of Piercing Shards is stopped with a stun.
- Take note that a single Shrieking Whelp is killed without allowing it to Shriek to hit 100% count.
- Jumping off the first ring to reach Azureblade early has become fairly standard to avoid some of the slower pulls with smaller target counts.
- Drakonid Breakers are priority targets and have to die first in any pull including them so Beastial Roar does not wipe the party.
- There is a strategy to also turn around after Azureblade and again jump off that second ring down to immediately fight Telash Greywing and Umbrelskul then use the teleportation portal to return to the beginning of the Mausoleum and finish your enemy forces.
Additional Resources
To further unpack the magic of high Mythic+ for yourselves, here are a few additional resources:
- Subcreation – Find S-tier for ranged, melee, tanks, and healers. Also see their gear-equipped manager and top builds.
- Twitch – Specific player PoVs in real-time and videos on demand. Twitch may also provide an opportunity for you to respectfully ask MDI players reasonable game-related questions directly!
- Warcraft Logs – Data and replays: Cast queues, spell uptime, interrupt/stuns, etc.
- Raider.IO - When watching high Mythic+ and the MDI, you can search one specific player’s name into Raider.IO to find character-specific info such as gear/legionaries, gems, enchants, soulbinds, conduits, talents, how many keys they have completed on time (5,10,15 for both Fortified/Tyrannical). Also, you may find links to each players’ socials, which can help you track down their personal addons, UIs, WeakAuras, etc.
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About the Authors
Bunten is an accountant by day and gamer by night. She has been playing WoW since 2005 and has attended every BlizzCon since 2007. Started streaming on Twitch June 2021. Bunten enjoys Mythic raiding and doing Mythic+. Be safe, be kind, and make good choices 💖
Biggerfish is a recovering Boomkin who has played WoW for 14 years and has been an avid Mythic+ player since it released in Legion. He mostly tanks, and can be found on most weeknights in the NA Group Finder bricking your keys.