Play Like the Pros: Import This Week's High Mythic+ Routes
Do you love Mythic Plus (Mythic+) but are too busy throughout the week between school, work, family, or raiding to see what routes the top players are running on streams?
We’ve got you covered with our new series: Play Like the PROS!
Today, we share some of the advanced Mythic+ routes that we have seen on Twitch streams this week to help you optimize your weekend key pushing sessions! Read on to import dungeon routes by the pros and maybe learn some new tech.
Table of Contents
Dungeon Run: Algeth'ar Academy +26
Team: Skillssac, Woiiben, Crimsm, Sjele, Womanslayer
Bloodlust Timings: 1st pull, Crawth, Vexamus, Echo of Dora’gosa
- No matter the route, you’ll need to Bloodlust the first pull and on cooldown after that to fit 4 casts into the 32 minute timer. Luckily, this usually gives you Bloodlust on 3 of the 4 bosses.
- This is a pretty standard “Tree first” route that skips the Arcane Ravager after Crawth in exchange for a slightly larger pull onto the last boss. On Fortified this might be scarier, but these affixes aren’t too bad besides dodging Spiteful Shades after Power Vacuum.
See the Mythic+ Route in Action:
Dungeon Run: Court of Stars +28
Team: Palbringer, Skånérost, Sodapr, Vadandh, Wildicute
- Although only two Bloodlusts may seem weird at a glance, consistent timings in Court of Stars can be difficult due to the built-in variance of available buffs and interactable items. Also, it’s very important to ensure that you always have Bloodlust for Talixae Flamewreath on Tyrannical.
- This is a run with two Felbound Enforcers and any extra count they may have
- accidentally* secured during the first boss would have been substituted for a Shadow Mistress and Legion Hound with Jazshariu.
See the Mythic+ Route in Action:
Dungeon Run: Halls of Valor +26
Team: Abeed, Akheia, Bizentein, Mckulling, Zerøcool
Bloodlust Timings: 1st pull, Hyrja, Ebonclaw Worgs, Odyn 2nd intermission
We had the privilege of speaking to Bizentein for some insights into his team’s Mythic+ route. Here’s what he had to share:
- Our route mainly centered around the 1 big risky pull with lots of casters right after the 1st boss, which we play after the 2nd boss. However, we have Assassination Rogue with the Garrote AoE silence talent, a Prot Paladin with Divine Toll + Divine Resonance, and lots of kicks with a Shaman and Solar Beam from our Boomkin. If we can control all the casters, then it's an easy pull.
- In our route, we didn't have to pull a lot of Bulls since they are very melee unfriendly for our melee-heavy comp, and we didn’t have too many good stops for them.
See the Mythic+ Route in Action:
Dungeon Run: Ruby Life Pools +27
Team: Plkapal, Noplaycj, Arusvicious, Graziela, Kameh
We had the privilege of speaking to Plkapal for some insights into his team’s Mythic+ route. Here’s what he had to share:
- At the start of the key: Pre-Invis Pot Rank 3 (before the key starts) + Roar/Wind Rush Totem to skip or Shroud.
- Pull 2: Chain Chillweavers #5 and #7 when you feel safe on the first pack – ideally when some of the other Chillweavers die. Do it before the Juggernaut is in a bad patrol (before it comes too close to those Chillweavers). Chain to Draghar once the Juggernaut is patrolling away. Alternatively, you can pull the double Earthshaper + Chillweaver in the back after Shrouding past the Juggernaut.
- First Boss: You can pull Melidrussa onto the eggs at the side of the room at the start to spawn whelps. Doing this provides funnel for your team or damage buffs like Twist of Fate for Shadow Priests on the boss.
- Flamegullet: On this double Pull, focus down the Blazebound Destroyer before Flamegullet hits 50% health. That is when the damage ramps on this dragon; but before that, you only need to be mindful of the tank buster.
- G15 skip: Shroud or Mind Soothe past this pack. If you would rather kill than skip this pack, you can skip the 2 Storm Warriors on Pull 9 or G21. Otherwise, you can skip one 3-pack with Draghar on Pull 2.
- Skip Thunderhead by hugging the left side – under a tree on the left side of the forge. This is easier when Mind Soothing or Shrouding past.
See the Mythic+ Route in Action:
Dungeon Run: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds +28
Team: Kíea, Realwippy, Casualaddict, Løutus, Античка
- This route blitzes to Sadana Bloodfury as fast as possible to get Bloodlust on cooldown and avoid some slow packs at the beginning of the dungeon.
- Having any Paladin relieves a ton of pressure on the adds during the first boss with Tyrannical because Turn Evil will execute the mob any time after it reaches 30% health making the 20 second damage check significantly easier.
- Skipping straight to Nhallish is a huge time save, avoiding the triple Shadowmoon Dominator pack as well as the two patrolling Exhumers. This group intentionally triggers as many graves as possible throughout the boss fight to provide funnel targets for the Enhancement Shaman.
- Pulling past Bonemaw to get the Skitterlings before they despawn is pretty standard now not only to cash in on the 10 enemy forces, but also just to give the party something to do during the 2nd Carrion Worm and the beginning of Bonemaw himself.
See the Mythic+ Route in Action:
Dungeon Run: Temple of the Jade Serpent +27
Team: Skillssac, Roiiben, Gangam, Kihusuzediff, Sjele
Bloodlust Timings: 1st pull, Shambling Infester pull in Courtyard, Sha of Doubt
- There’s only so many optimizations you can make to Temple of the Jade Serpent and this route does pretty much all of them.
- The 1st pull in the courtyard is massive, including both packs closest to the player’s entrance, the patrol, AND the Shambling Infester.
- While Liu Flameheart is spawning use ground effects like Consecration to pull the first 3-pack through the wall and kill it during the easy starting phase of the boss fight. Similarly, after Liu transforms into Yu’lon pull the two mobs from behind Wise Mari to passively cleave them down during that simple last phase.
See the Mythic+ Route in Action:
Dungeon Run: The Azure Vault +27
Team: Noobadin, Vileplumex, Banshers, Finduzz, Nataleya
Bloodlust Timings: 1st pull, 2nd ring pull, Drakonid Breaker on stairs, Umbrelskul
- The Azure Vault is another dungeon where you basically have to continue ripping Bloodlust on cooldown after the first pull to get 4 off – with the last Bloodlust being on Umbrelskul. This leads to not having Bloodlust on really any boss besides the last, but after so many nerfs to this dungeon, there’s not really any bosses to be too scared of.
- If your group composition doesn’t have access to quite as many AoE stops as the team who performed this route, you can easily wait on the 4 additional Conjured Lashers until after the 2nd pull without too big of a time loss.
- Once the massive pull after Leymor is over, the rest of the key is far less difficult mechanically, and there is a little more cushion since the dungeon timer was recently extended to 35:30.
See the Mythic+ Route in Action:
Dungeon Run: The Nokhud Offensive +27
Team: Nerf, Ellesmêre, Azunaz, Evne, Xanathár
Bloodlust Timings: 1st pull, The Raging Tempest, Teera and Maruuk
We had the privilege of speaking to Ellesmêre for some insights into his team’s Mythic+ route. Here’s what he had to share:
- The first area is just pack-by-pack pulling. The only thing that we do for time is, whenever a pack is dead, we chain the existing Lancemaster, (which is generally at about 20% health), into the next pack and cleave him down so we don’t sit there focusing one mob.
- In the storm area, you can play this in any order. However, you always want to go to the Thunderbeast pack when you have the most cooldowns available. That’s typically when we first arrive, so we go there first and then loop around, always doing the smallest pack at the entrance to the area last to then drag the 2 Arcblades into the boss after the solo caster dies.
- In the Teera and Maruuk area, you should always pull the close hill first and grab the patrolling birds from above when they fly by. The most dangerous pull here is the double pull of the 3 Risen Mystics (the only pull without a mini boss). For that pull, make sure you have a kick assigned to each Mystic, try to use AoE stops on the Mortal Strikes. Also, make sure you don’t do that pack unless you have all your cooldowns available.
- Pulling the final Beastcaller + Bakar pack right by the boss area into Teera and Maruuk is a good idea on most weeks, but on Spiteful, it can be very dangerous because each Bakar summons it’s own Spiteful mob. So instead, AoE down the Bakars and then you can pull just the Beastcaller in and cleave him down with the boss.
- In the last boss area, we always pull in some of the neutral mobs up top into the boss on pull. These mobs don’t really do anything and they don’t give enemy forces count, but they are great funnel for any spec that benefits from it. This isn’t really necessary, but some specs gain a ton from having additional mobs, so it can save a lot of time in Phase 1.
See the Mythic+ Route in Action:
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About the Editors
Biggerfish is a recovering Boomkin who has played WoW for 14 years and has been an avid Mythic+ player since it released in Legion. He mostly tanks, and can be found on most weeknights in the NA Group Finder bricking your keys.
VitaminP (VP) is the Content Manager of Raider.IO and has worked for the organization since the formation of the News Section in November 2018. Although VP is currently focused on pursuing her Masters of Business Administration, she specializes in tanking classes and has loved doing competitive Mythic+ on and off since early Legion.