BlizzCon Guild Clash: First Look at Season 3 Mythic+ Dungeons

After a 4-year hiatus, BlizzCon 2023 returned with a bang. Among many events and panels that transpired over the course of the convention this past weekend, the Guild Clash showcased four prominent WoW esports teams who faced off to take home the glory.
Since the inception of Mythic+ in Legion, we’ve seen several tournaments at BlizzCon, such as the MDI All Stars in 2018, and the momentous MDI Global Finals in 2019. However, we saw something different with the Guild Clash event this year. Instead of watching teams compete in the dungeons they had been practicing all season, we instead got an exclusive peek at a few of the upcoming dungeons of Dragonflight Season 3.
Join us as we share a few highlights of this unique event and the dungeon routes you saw teams perform – generated using RaiderIO’s very own Auto Route Creator!

Table of Contents

Event Highlights
Given that so many prominent players in the Mythic+ scene attended the event, the dungeon section of the Guild Clash showcase promised to be exciting, and it certainly delivered!
Although Echo brought only one member of their multi-MDI winning Mythic+ crew, the team still demonstrated its power, serving Liquid a 2-0 defeat in the first matchup of the showcase. Golden Guardians also proved to be dominant, quickly eliminating Method 2-0 in Game 2. This left us with Echo vs. Golden Guardians in the finals – a faceoff that gave us some truly exciting moments as the two Mythic+ titans met head-to-head in the new Season 3 dungeons. Although Echo swiftly defeated Golden Guardians in their first dungeon, a +22 Everbloom, Golden Guardians was able to step up and steal a game off of Echo in the second key, a +19 Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond’s Fall. Ultimately, Echo prevailed, emerging as the Guild Clash Dungeons victor after an impressively clean +22 Throne of the Tides.
The Mythic+ portion of the Guild Clash was held on the upcoming 10.2 build, giving the teams an opportunity to explore the new Season 3 dungeons in a high-pressure, competitive environment. The dungeons included:
- Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall – Featuring the first half of the Patch 10.1 megadungeon, with Iridikron as the final boss.
- Darkheart Thicket – A returning Mythic+ dungeon from Legion.
- Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond’s Rise – Featuring the other half of the Patch 10.1 megadungeon, with Tyr, the Infinite Keeper as the first boss.
- Atal’Dazar – A returning Mythic+ dungeon from Battle for Azeroth.
- The Everbloom – A returning Challenge Mode dungeon from Warlords of Draenor.
- Throne of the Tides – A returning dungeon from Cataclysm.

Season 3 Dungeon Routes
Below you’ll find some of the new routes used in BlizzCon’s Guild Clash showcase.
Bloodlust Timings: First pull, and Dinomancer Kish’o with 3 Toxic Saurid packs
This is Golden Guardians’ Atal’Dazar run, which earned them a win against Method in Game 2. Note the huge (and quite dangerous!) first pull here with Time Warp, and the equally intense Pull 5 with Dinomancer Kish’o’s pack and 3 additional packs of Toxic Saurids, each with their own Feasting Skyscreamer. While the original Angry Toast Saurid snap points no longer work as they used to, teams can still take advantage of some elevated points throughout the dungeon to avoid the painful Dazar’ai Juggernaut and Toxic Saurid leaps onto ranged players, as Golden Guardians demonstrated perfectly in their first pull:
Not much else seems to have changed in this popular Battle for Azeroth dungeon, which many Mythic+ enthusiasts will be thrilled to hear.
Bloodlust Timings: First pull, and Dresaron
This route is from Echo’s Darkheart Thicket run; though they had to double back down the hallway for more trash following their defeat of the final boss, Shade of Xavius, Echo bested Liquid in this returning Legion dungeon.
As Mythic+ players from Legion may have noticed, the trash in front of Archdruid Glaidalis, including the two formidable Festerhide Grizzly bears, are still avoided like the plague. Due to the Warlock meta in Legion, players tended to perform a Gateway Skip up the tree branch on the right after Shrouding the longer pathway of trash, and then everyone could then walk safely around the side and over to the boss room during the RP. This skip made a return with the revision of an Augmentation Evoker Rescuing 3 players on a multi-seater mount and the Vengeance Demon Hunter leaping over by themselves:
If you experienced Darkheart Thicket in Legion, you’ll feel right at home, as only a handful of changes were made to some of the bosses’ damage output. For those of you gearing up to experience it for the first time, be ready for a lot of red and some notoriously heavy-hitting bosses:
Bloodlust Timings: First pull, on cooldown (pull 5), Archmage Sol
While Golden Guardians didn’t win this round, they did showcase some incredible pulls with the huge trash packs in this Warlords of Draenor-era dungeon. There are a number of dangerous casters in Everbloom, so while their giant pulls looked like a blast, both teams had to execute things perfectly to be successful. In analyzing the size and mob composition of these pulls, it’s clear that Vengeance Demon Hunter may shine in Everbloom thanks to their Sigil of Silence.
Echo did confirm for us that it is possible to do some sneaky “interdimensional mob-snapping” through final boss Yalnu’s portal:
Although they were victorious in this dungeon, Echo only won by 4 seconds. Some of the mobs did not seem to have snapped properly, and they had to backtrack for a good while to find another mob to claim victory.
Bloodlust Timings: First pull, and Ink of Ozumat
Throne of the Tides bested Golden Guardians, while Echo gave a masterful performance in this Cataclysm rehash. Regardless, Golden Guardians demonstrated that a bold group can carry out some truly huge pulls in Throne of the Tides, though the mobs are exceedingly dangerous:
Interrupts are looking to be crucial in this dungeon to lock down the Naz’jar Oracle’s Healing Wave, and the Naz’jar Sentinels’ terrifying Crushing Depths healing absorb claimed many a victim from the Golden Guardians. This cast is, as Tettles reminds us, possible to line-of-sight:
The final encounter in Throne of the Tides, Ink of Ozumat is an excellent example of the extensive rework this dungeon received before its re-release as a Season 3 option. Echo capped off their Guild Clash performance by giving us an impressive lesson in spatial management and careful mechanical play on the Ink:
Throne of the Tides was showcased with Bolstering active, which caused a lot of issues for the Golden Guardians. The dungeon seems to be incredibly difficult to deal with on this Affix, unless pulls are played slow and methodical, which is exactly what Echo did in order to claim victory here. Despite a 25 death difference between both teams, Golden Guardians’ massive pulls allowed them to keep up – but victory evaded them at the end.

Not only was the Guild Clash an exciting return to BlizzCon and an excellent showcase of the ample talent in WoW esports, but the event also gave us the opportunity to watch upcoming Season 3 dungeons - and some incoming class changes - in a competitive environment. Echo and Golden Guardians’ routes may also serve as an excellent jumping-off point for your own team’s return to Mythic+ in Season 3. Don’t forget to click through to the Keystone Guru pages for even more detail on each of the routes provided above, and keep an eye on our Weekly Route and Play Like the Pros articles, which will return when the season goes live on November 14th. As always, Raider.IO has your back for all things Mythic+!
About the Authors
Gogogadgetkat has been playing WoW since late BC, and has been the GM of her guild Propaganda since its creation in 2014. As a career healer, Kat has a number of CEs and old-school heroic kills under her belt, all on a variety of healing classes and specs—she’s a serial altoholic! In addition to Mythic raiding and a little Mythic+, creating safe, inclusive spaces in gaming is her longtime passion; Kat has been an admin for the Perky Pugs community since late BfA, and is also a founding council member and the community manager for the DEIBAJ initiative Liquid Women in Warcraft. She is excited to bring her wealth of experience and love of writing to the Raider.IO team.
Seliathan has been playing Rogue for over half his life, since the initial release of WoW over 18 years ago. After a long career of Raid Leading, Theorycrafting, and pushing Mythic+, Seliathan enjoys creating all kinds of PvE content on Twitch, co-hosting the Tricks of the Trade Rogue podcast, contributing to Raider.IO as Staff Writer, and writing guides for Icy Veins.
VitaminP (VP) is the Content Manager of Raider.IO. VP holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and has worked for Raider.IO since the formation of its News Section in November 2018. VP specializes in tanking classes and has loved doing competitive Mythic+ on and off since early Legion.