Community Spotlight: Mistress Minty

Maybe you recognize our newest Featured Streamer because of her radiant smile and the chill, inclusive vibe she cultivates in her stream and community. Maybe you recognize her from the gorgeous Sindragosa cosplay she unveiled at BlizzCon 2023. But if you don’t recognize her at all yet, now is your chance to get to know the lovely Mistress Minty!
Minty is a community-minded streamer and content creator who focuses on informal, educational resources for healers looking to climb the ranks in PvP and PvE. She’s also a dedicated cosplayer and musician, and recently even created her own Sindragosa V-tube model! We love her fun, cozy stream atmosphere and her passion for mental health, particularly for at-risk youth.
Read on to learn more about Minty’s favorite class, her passion for cosplay, her favorite Spotify playlist, and more!

Table of Contents

“Mistweaver, in my opinion, is the best spec in the game…To this day, I have not seen better icons in WoW than the August Celestials!”
Q-1: Hey! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us today, it’s wonderful having you. First, we’d like to get to know you a little better. Can you please tell us more about yourself?
Minty: Hey, thanks, it's a pleasure! I only go by Minty, and I'm an Afro-Spanish woman who mains a Nightborne Mistweaver, Thiccymint, on Wyrmrest Accord. Mistweaver, in my opinion, is the best spec in the game: Yu'lon and Chiji are who drew me to the spec! To this day, I have not seen better icons in WoW than the August Celestials!
My biggest fixations outside of WoW are:
- Cosplaying
- Performing soothing drum solos
- Impassioning the support of anti-bullying and regularly raising funds to help improve the mental health of self-endangering youth (Stand for the Silent)

Q-2: What draws you to Mistweaver Monk?
Minty: One of my favorite things about Mistweaver is the mobility; no other class gets to zoom around, punch, kick, and paralyze enemies. If played right, in both PvP and PvE, MW is slippery and unmatched.

Q-3: Do you play any alts? If so, what other spec(s) are you loving in Dragonflight and why?
Minty: The Honorable Judge Minty is my Protection Paladin, which has been very fun to learn. More recently, I’m working on La Chancla – my Resto Shaman – because it's a new healing challenge I'm eager to master.

Q-4: You’re a PVP-focused healer, but you also routinely achieve AotC and KSM. What do you like best about PVP, and what do you like about PVE? What would you change about endgame content in PVP and PVE?
Minty: I love PvP and more recently, since Dragonflight, I have also been finding my place in PvE. My biggest wish for PvP is adding a talent that allows Mistweavers to move while casting. PvE-wise, I would change how we craft gear...I remember crying on stream about how tedious the process was and about the copious amount of steps needed. I just simply did not know what I was doing at the end of the day, making my life hard. HA!

“...Every time I see myself in my Sindragosa cosplay, I cry because it’s not just a costume to me, it’s a transformation. She isn’t just a character to me, she’s a statement.”
Q-5: We know that you are also a cosplayer, with one of your most well-known ensembles being the beautiful Sindragosa costume you presented at BlizzCon. What first drew you to cosplay as an art form and what do you look for when choosing a new character? What does your selection and planning process look like?
Minty: Yes, every time I see myself in my Sindragosa cosplay, I cry because it's not just a costume to me, it's a transformation. She isn't just a character to me, she's a statement. I'm a cosplayer with a "type.” I love to portray strong characters like queens, giantesses, vampires…
My process goes something like:
- Brainstorm how I might look as that character, and wonder, “can I get the mats?”
- Ask, “Can I make my imagination a reality?”
- Wonder, “Will it fit in my house once built?”
If I can answer yes to one or all of those questions, I get started! A good costume made by your own hand is something to be very proud of.

“Cosplaying has no skin color, gender, or weight requirement. I remember wanting to do all sorts of cosplays, but my size or skin color used to deter me.”
Q-6: Do you have any words of encouragement or tips for aspiring cosplayers? Anything you wish someone had told you when you first started?
Minty: Cosplaying has no skin color, gender or weight requirement. I remember wanting to do all sorts of cosplays, but my size or my skin color used to deter me. I’ve learned that it just takes courage, craftiness, and the understanding that haters are jealous because they can't do it themselves!

Q-7: Outside of the artistry of designing elaborate cosplays, do you find yourself drawn to other ways of expressing yourself creatively? Where would you say you pull your muse or inspiration from?
Minty: I have this amazingly soothing Steel Tongue Drum. When played in an acoustic and echoey place like a stairwell, the vibrations seep into your soul and call you home to yourself. My muse would definitely be all the folks that I make happy by simply existing. So many people have told me I've saved their lives just by being me.

Q-8: What is your favorite in-game transmog set? If you were to design a Tier set for WoW, what would the Minty set look like and for which class would it be available?
Minty: Monk specifically has some of the best sets in the game – it's very fun to mix and match! If I were to make my own custom set, it would be a beautiful green with a proc like a small wisp of mist or visage of Yu'lon spiraling up the leg and bursting into a cute plume of mist. My go-to outfit is the Chi-Ji gear from Legion!

Q-9: Do you have any playlists or special songs that you’d like to share with us? What’s playing when the competition gets fierce?
Minty: I don't speak one lick of Portuguese but Phonk Brasileño is going to get me pumped every time -- this playlist will always get you a +3 chest, try it!

“Huge shout out to anyone who has given me their love. It’s been a blessing getting to know the best of what the WoW community has to offer.”
Q-10: Are there any other closing thoughts you’d like to share with us today? What do you have in store for 2024?
Minty: Huge shout out to anyone who has given me their love. It's been a blessing getting to know the best of what the WoW community has to offer. I intend to continue keeping the vibes soothing, creating more content that new and vet players can draw from, and laughing even more with everyone!
- Find Minty on Raider.IO
- Follow Minty on Twitch
- Follow Minty on Twitter
- Subscribe to Minty on YouTube
- Follow Minty on TikTok
About the Authors
Picco is an old-fashioned WoW gamer that started back in Vanilla and has played ever since. She is a healer by heart and is currently maining Restoration Druid. She loves Mythic+ and has a great passion for events like the MDI and TGP. Picco is part of the KeystoneMasters team and enjoys jiggling around with ideas for fun new formats of community tournaments. She is also a Mod for several streamers and guilds, particularly during the RWF. Outside of WoW, Picco is a Sprout in FF14, where she explores with her Lala Summoner.
Gogogadgetkat has been playing WoW since late BC, and has been the GM of her guild Propaganda since its creation in 2014. As a career healer, Kat has a number of CEs and old-school heroic kills under her belt, all on a variety of healing classes and specs—she’s a serial altoholic! In addition to Mythic raiding and a little Mythic+, creating safe, inclusive spaces in gaming is her longtime passion; Kat has been an admin for the Perky Pugs community since late BfA, and is also a founding council member and the community manager for the DEIBAJ initiative Women in Warcraft. She is excited to bring her wealth of experience and love of writing to the Raider.IO team.