
The Weekly Route: Fortified, Incorporeal, Sanguine

The Weekly Route Series showcases Mythic+ strategies that are tailored towards Beginner and Intermediate levels of Mythic+ with the following criteria in mind:

  • Easy to execute - particularly in pick-up-groups (PUGs)
  • Good tradeoffs between skipping the most difficult enemy forces while not requiring overly complicated strategies or “tech” to do so

This week, the affixes are Fortified, Incorporeal, and Sanguine.

Trash is going to be rough this week, thanks to Fortified AND Sanguine! Don't be surprised if your keys feel slower than normal, and don't be discouraged if your group blazes through bosses but struggles through larger trash pulls. Anticipating enemy movements is essential to minimizing Sanguine healing, as proper mob positioning reduces the time spent fighting trash. We wish you all many generous Incorporeal spawns this week and hope you don’t need to lock down Incorporeal Beings during your DPS windows!

Incorporeal is a team effort, and it may be helpful to identify which abilities work best for your group comp. Some abilities are ideal crowd control, and others work best as backup because the spells can't cover the Incorporeal Beings’ full 20 second duration.

Certain enemies in each dungeon can be difficult to maneuver or are flat-out immune to crowd control (CC) so it is imperative to avoid dropping Sanguine pools onto stationary or stubborn mobs. You may find it easier to move a dying mob out of the trash pack and drop Sanguine far away from the group versus trying to move any leftover mobs out of a previously-spawned Sanguine puddle.

Your group can help with good Sanguine management by using knockbacks or slows to help the tank kite lower-health mobs away from dying packs. It may be helpful to identify which abilities work best with your specific group comp in order to avoid sloppy Sanguine pulls!

Use these abilities if a mob is standing inside Sanguine:

Use these abilities if a mob is about to move into Sanguine or is about to die and spawn a new puddle:

If you need a refresher on the affixes, be sure to check out our affixes guide!

Do you have a tip or trick to add to our Weekly Route series? Did you discover the next big skip for a RIO Snapshot video? We want to hear about it! Find us on Twitter or join us in Discord to provide feedback.

Read on to import our Weekly Routes with pull-specific notes, tips, and recommended Bloodlust Timings!

Table of Contents

Weekly Mythic+ Routes


Fortified, Incorporeal, Sanguine



The most important enemies to be aware of when dropping Sanguine pools are as follows:

The outdoor layout of Algeth’ar Academy can allow Incorporeal to spawn far away from your group. If you are ranged, be prepared to crowd control the farthest Incorporeal, allowing your melee and tank players to focus on the closer mob.

Pay special attention to the Unruly Textbook’s Monotonous Lecture, as this can stun your healer and quickly cause a wipe!

The Arcane Forager and Arcane Ravager mobs on the way to Vexamus can be both unruly and a little scary, especially on Fortified. Learn how to handle these slippery eels with this quick and easy Raider.IO Snapshot:


The most important enemies to be aware of when dropping Sanguine pools are as follows:

Remember, it's better to let an Incorporeal cast get through than to risk mistakes during Leymor’s Explosive Brand, Azureblade’s Overwhelming Energy, or Telash Greywing’s Absolute Zero. These are critical moments during the dungeon and one stack of Destabilize is fine if it means you will avoid a full team wipe on a boss fight. Don’t make ignoring Incorporeal a habit, however!


Bloodlust Timings: First pull, on cooldown, Gutshot, and Decatriarch Wratheye

The most important enemies to be aware of when dropping Sanguine pools are as follows:

Hackclaw’s War-Band and Gutshot both have targeted abilities that may prevent your usual Incorporeal-handlers from casting their CC. During these encounters, it may be better to overlap your crowd control casts to ensure both Incorporeals are locked down during the dungeon’s regular mechanics.


The most important enemies to be aware of when dropping Sanguine pools are as follows:

If you find yourself struggling with dodging the waves through the gauntlet up to Infuser Sariya, try this handy line of sight trick:


The most important enemies to be aware of when dropping Sanguine pools are as follows:

Don’t forget! You can use this dungeon’s short hallways and numerous corners to line of sight Incorporeal casts!

On the way to Chargath, you’ll find several interactable Burning Chains. You can learn how to utilize these chains to speed up your run in our RIO Snapshot below:

When fighting Forgemaster Gorek, positioning for the Blazing Aegis is key, as shown here in our RIO Snapshot:


Bloodlust Timings: First pull, The Raging Tempest trash in front of the waterfall, and Balakar Khan during intermission

The most important enemies to be aware of when dropping Sanguine pools are as follows:

This dungeon takes place in an outdoor environment, so be on the lookout for Incorporeal, which can spawn far away from the group. If you are ranged, be prepared to crowd control the farthest Incorporeal, allowing your melee and tank players to focus on the closer mob.

If you run with a more coordinated group who prefers to go straight to Balakar Khan and skip the mini bosses, Balara and Batak, invest some time into learning the handy skip detailed in our RIO Snapshot video:


The most important enemies to be aware of when dropping Sanguine pools are as follows:

Some groups utilize an invisibility potion as a pre-potion before they start the key in order to skip the first Primal Juggernaut. The idea is to do a larger and riskier first pull with Bloodlust. Similarly to Dragonflight Season 1, this strategy may become more popular as the season progresses. The downside of skipping this first Primal Juggernaut is that if anyone dies, players must use another invisibility potion to rejoin the group.

Here is an excellent Kyrakka weakaura to help you visualize the way the Flaming Embers move during the fight. If you are looking at the boss with the room’s entrance behind you, the arrows indicate which way the puddles will move with the next cast of Winds of Change. Try it out and let me know what you think!


Bloodlust Timings: First pull, on cooldown, and Chrono-Lord Deios

To find Uldaman, take the portal to The Badlands in Valdrakken, shown on the map below:

The most important enemies to be aware of when dropping Sanguine pools are as follows:

This dungeon has only a handful of large rooms, but also houses several narrow hallways and small rooms that can be used to your advantage to line of sight the Incorporeal casts.

After Emberon, you can utilize a wall hug skip to avoid a painful Ebonstone Golem. No special tricks or abilities are required – all you need to do is walk your character into the wall and slowly inch your way towards the other side of the room. This skip is marked with a gold exclamation point (!) on our route. Check out this clip to see the skip in action:

Given this week’s brutal trash affixes, you may not want to pull the double Infinite Timereaver pack in the room right before the final boss. There are a few ways to skip this pack without needing to use an invisibility potion, which we discuss in a quick R.IO Snapshot:


About the Author

Bunten is an accountant by day and gamer by night. She has been playing WoW since 2005 and has attended every BlizzCon since 2007; she began streaming on Twitch in June 2021. Bunten enjoys Mythic raiding and doing Mythic+. Be safe, be kind, and make good choices 💖!
