Must-Have AddOns and WeakAuras for The War Within

The first week of Mythic+ and Mythic raiding are about to begin! As we all settle into a new capital city and adjust to our updated laundry list of weekly “must do” tasks, it’s the perfect time to customize our game experience for the expansion ahead!
Here you’ll find a number of AddOns and WeakAuras designed to boost your dungeon and raid mechanical gameplay, streamline your alt leveling experience, and much, much more. Consider this a rundown of the more generally-applicable resources that can work across specs and content types.
Similarly, UI customizations are an entirely personal choice, so we’ll leave much of those modifications to you, and won’t put too much time into aesthetics or large-scale UI modifications like ElvUI. However, if you are interested in browsing some beautiful UIs in the interest of improving your own, consider checking out’s new UI Packs feature!
We will, of course, assume you already have some of the basics, like the ever-necessary boss mods Bigwigs or DBM, Mythic Dungeon Tools, and our own Raider.IO AddOn. Couple our in-game AddOn with the Raider.IO Desktop Client for near-instant character updates alongside a whole host of other handy luxuries.
For more features from Raider.IO for all your WoW Progression needs, click here
Many creators are still updating their AddOns to work in The War Within, or are busy creating more tools for the expansion’s Delves system and updated features. Keep your eyes peeled for new additions on Wago and Curseforge!

Table of Contents

Postal by Xinhuan
Whether you’re sending way too much mail to your alt army or simply collecting millions of gold in auctions every day, Postal has a feature for that! With Postal, you can forward mail, open all mail of a certain type or sender, selectively open or return mail, autotrack and autofill all your alt names (even cross-server), and utilize a truly staggering number of other features. If you find yourself at the mailbox a lot, consider making your life a little easier with this AddOn.
Altoholic by Thaoky

Thaoky may just be my hero, because I definitely have far too many alts. With Altoholic, I can search any character’s bags, banks, mail, professions, and even achievement completion without needing to jump around to all the different alts on my account. There’s nothing better than creating a self-sufficient alt empire, and I couldn’t do that without Thaoky’s hard work! DO check out your gold totals, but DO NOT peek at the accumulated /played data across your account…trust me on this one.
Teleport Menu by justw8
Blizzard has been hooking us up with a number of cool new ways to get around the world, from a myriad of neat Hearthstone toys to Engineering wormholes and most recently, Hero’s Path teleports from Mythic+. It’s extremely handy to have teleports to all the dungeons, but a little less fun to go poking through your spellbook and each expansion’s popout teleport panel to find the one you’re looking for. Enter: Teleport Menu! This lightweight AddOn simply adds your available Hearthstones and teleports to the game menu for ease of access.
Ping Sounds by Nnoggie
I need boss voice lines to keep my distracted healer brain paying attention to the mechanics at hand instead of the health bars of my zug-zugging melee DPS, but not everyone plays with game sounds on. Unfortunately, the newer in-game ping system relies upon having sound effects enabled. For those of you who would rather raid to your own music and the dulcet tones of your raid leader, with no in-game sounds at all, consider Ping Sounds – mute what’s unimportant to you and hear only the pings!

Astral Keys by TerraQT

Astral Keys is truly an invaluable tool for raid and guild leaders, alongside key pushers and guilds who love to play together. Not only does this AddOn automatically insert your keystone (THANK GOODNESS), but it also tracks each of the characters you’ve logged into for the week, your guild’s highest key of the week, your own Mythic+ cache and those of your guildies, and the Mythic+ keys for your guildies, friends and alts. If you love running keystones, consider Astral Keys for a beautifully organized way to track the Mythic+ activity going on around you.
Key Master by Strylor
Key Master is an excellent addition to the AddOn list for anyone who is seriously invested in Mythic+. Not only does it grant you access to detailed, real-time Mythic+ score information for your character, but it also tracks all your alternative characters’ keys, rating, and Great Vault slots. Plus, Key Master can interface with your party members to offer you information on their key times, available keys, and overall rating gains.
Premade Group Filter by baerenhard

Hunting for the perfect group can be a headache using the basic Premade Group Finder, but Premade Group Filter adds a number of helpful filter options to help you find ONLY groups meeting your criteria, whatever they may be. Look for Mythic+ groups needing just a healer, fresh raids with an average item level of 600, or 3v3 groups in which the leader has some specified minimum rating, all within the easy Premade Group Filter UI.
M+ Talent Reminders (Season 1 TWW) by charistas
If you’re starting on a new class this expansion, or even if you’re sticking to old reliable but need a little extra reminder, this WeakAura is supremely useful in reminding you to keep or trade out specific talents based on the dungeon and active Affixes. You can even customize the WeakAura further by selecting or deselecting specific dungeons or Affixes. Given the Mythic+ rework, we’re headed into a totally new Season with little idea what to expect from these redone Affixes, so having access to the extra info this WeakAura provides may help you immensely in your dungeon adventures this week.
Required M+ Percent Tracker by ZelionGG

As Mythic+ has grown more competitive and dungeon maps more involved, it’s important to know what mob percentages you should hit before moving on to another area of the dungeon. Though this may become more common knowledge as we progress through the season, having an idea of which percentage points are important in each dungeon is supremely valuable at the start of a new Season.
OmniCD by Treebonker
OmniCD is a super lightweight AddOn to aid in tracking your group’s cooldowns, and comes with a built-in interrupt bar. From PvP to dungeons, you’ll find that tracking your party members’ cooldowns is an important part of endgame play, and OmniCD offers a highly-customizable option just for this purpose.
Spell CDs on Nameplate by Meeres

Tracking mobs’ important or dangerous spell cooldowns on your nameplates is a straightforward way to improve your performance in Mythic+ as well as introducing you to the important casts in the new Season 1 dungeons. This is a very simple, easy WeakAura with very little required setup; it’s also entirely customizable if you’d like to add, remove, or change the spells being tracked.
Dungeon Casts Tracker + Targeted Spells by Abiegaelle
Abigaelle has created an excellent resource here – this WeakAura serves as a cast tracker, as well as providing spell CDs on nameplates AND a color-coded nameplate AddOn to identify dangerous casts. If you’d like to up your game in dungeons, but aren’t quite ready for the added pressure of configuring a nameplate addon, give this option a try and see how you like it!
Dungeon Frontals TWW S1 by Ellesmere
This is a tiny WeakAura with a huge impact! Dungeon pro Ellesmere offers us this LOUD reminder to avoid dangerous frontals in all the Season 1 dungeons. Avoiding frontals will be especially important for melee players as you look to help your group handle the new Affix, Xal’atath’s Bargain: Oblivion. Even if you won’t need this reminder for the entire duration of the season, it’s a fantastic learning tool for your early season keys!
The War Within Dungeon Dispels + Frame Glows by ace6
While we’re all still adjusting to the new dungeons and Affixes, having a big, bright frame glow can be a huge help for healers and other classes with specific dispels. Ace has been a lifesaver in tracking all the dispellable Magic, Curse, Disease, Poison, and Bleed debuffs, alongside a reminder for Roots and Snares dispellable by Paladins and Monks.
TWW Dungeons by Causese

Resto Druid and Mythic+ professional Roiben recently recommended this WeakAura pack in a VISAGE Roundtable on kicking off your TWW Season 1 adventures, and you know we’re going to take her advice! Causese is basically WeakAura royalty at this point, and this dungeon pack certainly doesn’t disappoint. This pack includes BOTH the Season 1 Affixes AND all dungeon mechanics, making it an excellent, if slightly CPU intensive, stand-alone pack for all things Mythic+. Check out Causese’s page on Wago for a number of other WeakAura packs designed for end-game TWW content.
The War Within Season 1 - All Affixes by Zytech

While the basics of this pack are the same as Causese’s above, Zytech has created a more minimalist version here, with a focus solely on the TWW Season 1 Affixes. There is almost no custom code in this pack, either, making it a lightweight, CPU-friendly alternative while still providing the most important bits of information and easy customization. If you’re happy with your DBM or BigWigs timers and just want a little more info about the upcoming Affixes, this may be the dungeon pack for you.
Mists of Tirna Scithe maze guessing game by Saxayone#2791 or Automatic Tirna Maze Navigator by ohne_name
Every healer knows that the Mists maze is about to become their full-time job once again – but here, take this! Quickly and easily solve the maze for your teammates without losing focus on the true task at hand: beating your DPS on the meters.

Missing Raid/Party Buffs by Maroo
With the introduction of the Shaman raid buff this expansion, we have yet another buff to track when we head into a raid. This little WeakAura will check your group for relevant buff classes and display when you need the buff – simple as that!
Nerub-ar Palace Voice Assist by ProcsXD_Snowy
Some people prefer an auditory assistant or replacement to the popular WeakAura packs typically used in raiding these days (see below for some examples). Snowy’s Voice Assist pack acts as a raid leader in calling out mechanics and how to respond to them; this is primarily an auditory aid, but does come with some visual auras. Because this is not the “typical” WeakAura, you will need the shared media pack found here.
Nerub-ar Palace by Causese

We’ve already seen Causese’s work in this article, and here’s another example of his significant contributions to endgame WoW. While some raiders still just rely on a boss mod, many have come to love additional WeakAura reminders with a big visual component. Whether you prefer timer bars, icons, or both, Causese has the answer. You can also choose to download the custom sound package if you’d prefer to rely on this pack, or you can forgo that part in favor of your boss mod’s warning sounds.
Nerub-ar Palace by Reloe
Reloe is the other WeakAura master commonly associated with beautiful WeakAura packs designed for group content. You may also be familiar with his work as the creator behind the Northern Sky WeakAura packs, which are designed to assign precise positioning for his Mythic guild.
Pineappl-ar Palace by TacticalAirHorse

TacticalAirHorse’s pineapple-y creations will always be on my list of recommendations, even though it’s a website and technically outside the scope of this article. If you struggle to learn boss fights by watching a video or reading a written guide, try out Pineappl-ar Palace instead. This adorable browser game is designed to simulate the raid fights in a simplified environment, and it rocks. Pineappl-ar Palace is recommended homework for many a raid team!

User Interface
Minimap Button Bag by SkunFly

MMB is a relatively small AddOn designed to reduce the AddOn button clutter around your minimap, collecting them into a pop out menu. You can even detach the menu from your minimap entirely and position it elsewhere in your UI.
OPie by foxlit
OPie is one of my very favorite AddOns because its flexibility is unparalleled; it allows you to group spells, items, professions, mounts, and pretty much anything else into rings which can then be bound to a mouse or key press. While the AddOn comes pre-loaded with some class-specific groupings, it’s also highly customizable and will free up a shocking amount of space in your UI. This is a mandatory AddOn for me!
Talent Tree Tweaks and Talent Loadout Manager by Numy

I love both these AddOns and use them in conjunction with one another to perfect my Talent Trees and save as many custom loadouts and sub-loadouts as I can imagine. Talent Loadout Manager also allows you to import a leveling build from Icy-Veins and will show you the talents in the correct order at every step of the leveling journey. Adding Talent Tree Tweaks offers mini previews of any builds or Talent Tree Build links and even inserts those previews into any relevant UI tooltips, allows you to respec without switching tabs, permits you to compare your build to a target’s, and far, far more. This AddOn combo is an absolute MUST if you feel you could be getting more from your talent loadouts!

Azeroth Pilot Reloaded by Neoldric

Azeroth Auto Pilot is a much-beloved legacy leveling AddOn, and Azeroth Pilot Reloaded is the spiritual successor. Offering everything from detailed quest objective notes and attached waypoint arrows to auto quest hand-ins and quest item keybinding, APR is a required part of my alt-leveling rotation. You can even pick different routes, including those developed by WoW community members and some of the speediest levelers in the business!
Tama’s 1-80 Leveling Pack by Amzeus (Tama)

Tama is a gem, and their WeakAuras have quickly become a staple for many players since their all-in-one Dragonflight Helper pack roared onto the scene last expansion. Now, this leveling pack offers an extremely detailed experience bar, reminders for percentage XP gain items and pots, buffs, and more. While you’re picking up this pack, click into Tama’s profile and check out all the other amazing projects they currently offer!
Frick These Rep Quests by Xerwo
The War Within brought us a beautiful new questing experience and a whole host of side quests to accompany the main storyline. Thanks to the introduction of the Warband system, though, Renown is shared across your account, so it’s no longer required to complete every side quest on every relevant alt. This handy WeakAura from Xerwo just indicates which side quests you can still complete for rep, and which ones have already been done by a character on your account.
BTWQuests by Breeni

Breeni offers up something awesome for dedicated loremasters and completionists with this straightforward, uncomplicated quest journal that displays your current quest, any future quests in the line, and how that questline connects to others. If you’re struggling to unlock the Earthen allied race or are hoping to finally finish up those Loremaster achievements, swing by and pick up BTWQuests to make your journey just a little easier.

Maps and Open World Content
HandyNotes by Xinhuan

Handynotes with Zarillion’s The War Within plugin
HandyNotes began as a basic AddOn designed to add notes to your map. The base AddOn is lightweight and extremely simple, allowing contributors to develop all manner of plugins to best suit their needs. Grab the base AddOn first, of course, but also consider the following for all your TWW adventures:
- The War Within plugin by Zarillion
- The War Within Treasures and Rares plugin by Kemayo
- Dornogal plugin by Dathwada
- Rumor Map (Azj-Kahet Treasures) plugin by Numy
Leatrix Plus and Leatrix Maps by Leatrix
Leatrix Plus has about a million different functions all baked into one addon, which makes it a valuable find all on its own. Automate quests and gossip, accept summons and rezzes, sell and repair automatically, hide or resize just about any piece of text in the game, and SO MUCH MORE. However, in conjunction with Leatrix Maps, you can also reveal the map (even for characters who haven’t explored it yet), scale and position the map just the way you’d like it, and customize the map appearance exactly to your specifications.
Dornogal Map Labels by grimoru

Just as we all needed those Oribos labels to guide us around that VERY circular city, and Valdrakken labels when we started Dragonflight, I know some of us (okay…it’s me for sure) need labels again for our new capital city, Dornogal. Import this VERY simple WeakAura and never fly in confused circles again!
Silver Dragon: Rare Scanner by Kemayo
Because rares give Renown AND all manner of fancy cosmetics, it’s imperative that you identify and target them ASAP! Silver Dragon has been a staple for players since 2008, and still remains my tried and true rare-hunting companion all these years later. With customizable sounds and repeat intervals, chat messages, model popups, and a history log, you’ll be all set for some rare camping, whether you’re looking for TWW rares or returning to the Storm Peaks to hunt for the Time Lost Proto-Drake.

BuyEmAll by kaelon
Gone are the days of having to park at a vendor and navigate strange maximum stack sizes just to buy that Silken Thread your tailor needs! Instead, BuyEmAll provides a handy all-in-one UI allowing you to bypass default stack sizes, buy the absolute maximum amount of an item (determined by your bag space and the amount you can afford), and identify how much you will be spending on the purchase. This is an especially handy AddOn for crafters who prefer to stock up on profession mats from the vendors!
CraftSim by genjuwow
CraftSim is a brilliant, newer AddOn designed specifically for the revamped professions introduced with the release of Dragonflight. Because crafting has become still more complicated in TWW, this AddOn is absolutely worth a second look. Check out the crafting simulation mode, evaluate your average profits, simulate knowledge point distribution, and queue up recipes to multicraft with a single click. CraftSim is also modular and highly-configurable, enabling you to choose only the pieces of the AddOn you find most helpful to your personal crafting endeavors.
TWW Weekly Profession Knowledge by Zulandia

This tiny WeakAura sits at the top of my screen, reminding me to keep up with all my sources of profession knowledge throughout each week. From repeatable treasures to weekly gathering quests to treaties, this WeakAura is solely designed to help you remember whether you’ve obtained all available knowledge for the week.
Weekly Knowledge by Liquidor

For those who have a lot of crafting alts to maintain, Weekly Knowledge may be your preferred professions knowledge tracker. This AddOn presents your profession knowledge progress on every character on your account, all laid out in a tidy grid. Keep building that alt army, and don’t forget any weekly quests!
Pengu’s The War Within Profession Sheet by Pengu
Pengu’s beautiful and highly-detailed spreadsheet is a gift to anyone who loves playing the auction house with the assistance of the reworked professions system. Make a copy for yourself and use this sheet to track all your alts’ crafting knowledge and the expected prices and profits of each professions’ most notable crafts. Pengu and the other contributors continue to work on this sheet, so expect it to become more and more helpful as the expansion progresses.

Plater Nameplates by Terciob

Plater with Jundies’ profile
Plater is currently the most popular nameplate AddOn in the game, and sets the gold standard for this type of customization. The vast majority of popular WoW content creators, from RWF players to Mythic+ extraordinaires, use a Plater profile to keep their nameplates organized and color-coded to their specific requirements. Plater’s options are nearly endless, providing for a purely individual, tailor-made experience.
Plater can certainly seem daunting at first glance, but if you’re looking to get started, here are some options we recommend:
- Quazii‘s Plater Profile by Quazii is a fully-customized and religiously maintained profile that requires very little input or work on your end. Quazii has provided a thorough setup guide on his website so there’s very little pressure on you.
- Jundies M+ and Raid by Jundies is another plug-and-play profile with a support Discord available to troubleshoot any difficulties you may encounter while importing.
- Whiiskeyz Plater by Whiiskeyz has been painstakingly customized for both high-level Mythic+ and raiding gameplay and is also available as a fully-fledged import with little need to modify or add to the profile provided.
- Xarial’s TWW Plater Profile by Xarial offers slightly different-looking nameplates with the added perk of specialized glows for the classes who rely heavily on “pandemic" Damage Over Time effects.
KuiNameplates by Kesavaa

While KuiNameplates is not yet as popular as Plater, this is a much more lightweight offering for those looking for a slightly less complicated nameplate option. Kui is not quite as customizable, and thus not as overwhelming, as Plater can seem; players who are interested in a nameplate AddOn but not quite up to the task of tackling Plater options just yet may find Kui to be a comfortable alternative.

And…we’ve finally reached the end! We hope you’ve found some new favorite AddOns and WeakAuras among the many, many offerings shared in this article. Whether you’re a casual player, a social butterfly, a dedicated crafter, or a serious Mythic+ enthusiast, there are about a million AddOn options just a browse away. If you happen to find an AddOn or a WeakAura that you know you just can’t live without, be sure to spread the word, drop the creator a kind note, or sub to their Patreon or Ko-Fi. Our WoW world certainly wouldn’t be quite as full of color and creativity without their contributions!
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About the Author
Gogogadgetkat has been playing WoW since late BC, and has been the GM of her guild Propaganda since its creation in 2014. As a career healer, Kat has a number of CEs and old-school heroic kills under her belt, all on a variety of healing classes and specs—she’s a serial altoholic! In addition to Mythic raiding and a little Mythic+, creating safe, inclusive spaces in gaming is her longtime passion; Kat has been an admin for the Perky Pugs community since late BfA, and is also a founding council member and the community manager for the DEIBAJ initiative VISAGE. She is excited to bring her wealth of experience and love of writing to the Raider.IO team.
About the Editor
VitaminP (VP) is the Content Manager of Raider.IO. VP holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and has worked for Raider.IO since the formation of its News Section in November 2018. VP specializes in tanking classes and has loved doing competitive Mythic+ on and off since early Legion.