Steiner, the legendary Orc Shaman, is a formidable force on the battlefield, renowned for his mastery of nature's primal energies. Towering and muscular, he wields a massive, enchanted stick with unmatched proficiency, unleashing devastating blows upon his foes. With a wild mane of untamed hair and tribal markings adorning his green-skinned face, Steiner exudes an intimidating aura that strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies.
Drawing power from the spirits of the earth and sky, Steiner channels the elements through his enchanted stick, delivering punishing melee attacks that leave adversaries in awe of his raw, primal strength. As a Damage Dealing Star, he excels in close-quarters combat, swinging his weapon with both precision and brute force to crush those who dare to stand against him.
Steiner's tribal background and deep connection with the mystical forces of nature make him a unique and captivating character, a true force of nature on the battlefield, leaving behind a trail of defeated foes and legends in his wake.
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Raid Progression
Raid Progression
Nerub-ar Palace [AOTC] | Progress | Boss Kills |
Heroic | 8/8 H | 8 |
Normal | 1/8 N | Please re-scan this character to populate this data. |