NicoFrags, the over entusiastic mount farmer.
Welcome to my Raider.IO profile! My name is Nicolai, but some will just call me Nico! I'm an EX-contributor (Now a veteran) for the WowSecrets discord community and are now a booster for several boosting communities. I have through the years helped hundreds, possibly thousands of people getting their rare-spawn mounts such as Voidtalon, Time-lost Proto-drake, Aeonaxx, Grey riding camel etc! Farming mounts has and are still a big passion of mine, and it is possibly what I enjoy the most when playing World of Warcraft! However I have in the last couple of months started to enjoy high-level PvE content such as M+ and raiding!
I sometimes upload videos on youtube trying to bring a smile on peoples faces with my stupid drop reactions! And other times I occasionally write guides and give them life through video making!
Youtube: NicoFrags -
Twitch: NicoFrags -
Kontaktinformationen |
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Befreiung von Undermine [AOTC] | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Mystik | 3/8 M | 6 |
Heldenhaft | 8/8 H | 22 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 17 |