
Nerub-ar Palace R•W•F Global Coverage

Oct 21 2024 08:18 CEST(20 Wochen vor)
The top 20 is complete! And with it so is our coverage of the Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First! It was a really good one, as Liquid dominated and Queen Ansurek proved to be one of the best bosses of WoW raiding to date.
Here's the full top 20:

1. Liquid
2. Echo
3. Method
4. 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero)
5. 佶天鸿 (Jitianhong)
6. Instant Dollars
7. ZboX
8. FatSharkYes
9. End Myth
10. Mate
11. Synergy
12. Гнев Анархии
13. Honestly
15. Exposed
16. xD
17. Banhammer
18. Advance
19. Korruptio
20. poptart corndoG

We hope you enjoyed the coverage and we'll see you in the next one!
Oct 18 2024 19:55 CEST(20 Wochen vor)
And here's the final top 10:

Oct 16 2024 21:50 CEST(20 Wochen vor)
We have a top 10! Korean guild Mate manages to be the final group to take down Queen Ansurek before the nerfs! While the big Mythic nerfs have hit for US and EU realms, the Korean weekly reset hasn't happened quite yet, which means Mate are the proud owners of a pre-nerf kill! Huge congratulations on the World 10th Mythic Queen Ansurek and 8/8!
Oct 16 2024 21:44 CEST(20 Wochen vor)
Queen Ansurek has received massive nerfs, as very much expected! In addition to that, the Severed Threads raid-wide buff has gone into effect this week, so we will be seeing many more kills! Here are those nerfs that are now in effect on US and EU servers, and very soon on Asia ones as well:

Queen Ansurek

  • Frothy Toxin damage reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.
  • Gloom Blast damage reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.
  • When calculating applications of Frothy Toxin, only living players are now counted towards the maximum possible application amount on Heroic and Mythic difficulties.

    On Mythic difficulty:
    Queen Ansurek’s health reduced by 5%.
  • Frothy Toxin damage reduced by 26.7%.
  • Silken Tomb health reduced by 20%.
  • Wrest damage (Intermission) reduced by 25%.
  • Grasping Silk maximum size reduced by 10%.
  • Shadowgate cast time increased by 20%.
  • Gloom Blast damage reduced by 25%.
  • Acolyte’s Essence periodic damage reduced by 15%.
  • Essence Scarred duration reduced by 50%.
  • Royal Condemnation damage reduced by 10%.
  • Summoned Acolyte health and Dark Barrier shield amount reduced by 15%.
  • Royal Shackle health reduced by 15%.