Mythic+ 101: Netiquette

Welcome to Mythic+ 101! This educational series aims to provide new players with the foundation they need to get started in Mythic+. In collaboration with the Mythic Plus Friends Discord, we have compiled an array of 101 content series of articles and information to help you on your journey to the vast content and progression system of Mythic+.
Mythic+ is a system that was introduced during World of Warcraft: Legion. Mythic+ was born through merging Challenge Mode Dungeons, which were introduced in Mists of Pandaria, combined with a similar scaling difficulty system of games like Diablo 3. The result was a PvE progression system that players dubbed “Mythic Plus”, “Mythic+”, or sometimes just “M+”. Mythic+ is arguably one of the biggest additions to the game in the last decade, and its popularity seems to know no limit.
In the previous chapter, we discussed pugging, networking, and group dynamics. Here in Chapter 4, we expand upon those concepts by addressing “Netiquette”, otherwise known as Internet Etiquette. Netiquette can expand your networking opportunities in Mythic+ and help you avoid or solve conflicts in your dungeon groups.

Table of Contents

What is Netiquette?
Netiquette is defined as “etiquette governing communication on the internet”. A simple way to think of proper Netiquette is being kind, understanding, respectful, and having a positive mindset in general, which is often referred to as a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA). This does not mean that you cannot be critical or that you have to overlook all mistakes, but doing so in a constructive and positive way typically yields better results.
Netiquette in Mythic+ is about effectively handling situations rather than being avoidant or letting things escalate. Players will often have differing opinions, and when you play a dungeon for over 30 minutes straight, mistakes will happen. How you discuss these things with your fellow players will not only increase the chance that people listen to you, but also your chance of long-term success as you broaden your player network.
Here is an example of how different people might discuss the same issue in different ways. Imagine a dungeon where someone accidentally pulls an extra mob, leading to a wipe and possibly deplete:
One player might say:
In contrast, a player with good netiquette might react differently:“I can’t believe you messed that up! You shouldn’t be doing keys. You’re terrible!”
Both examples acknowledge the mistake, but one of them puts the player who made the mistake on the defensive, while the other offers support. The main difference is that the player in question will already be feeling bad about their mistake, and instead of putting them down further, you lift them up and help them clear their mind for the next pull or boss.“That was unlucky, but sh** happens. Let’s go again!”
Having a friendly and positive attitude, even in the face of silly mistakes or misplays, will help you become friends with more people as you play. This will increase the pool of players you can play Mythic+ with significantly, and you will also foster an environment where everyone is enjoying themselves. An environment like this typically leads to better results and a stronger Mythic+ network to draw upon.
Other important mannerisms may include (but are not limited to) thanking people for the dungeon run upon completion, thanking people for an invite to the group or for joining your group, or even complimenting a player on their gameplay.

Basic Mythic+ Netiquette
Netiquette is not only limited to your verbiage. Your actions can play a part in it too. For example, leaving a key before completion is generally frowned upon unless the whole group agrees to it first.
As a general rule of thumb, some of the following behaviors are considered good manners:
- Stay in a group until completion of the key unless otherwise agreed upon. If you are in a PUG and the timer has gone overtime, ask the keyholder whether they would like to complete the dungeon.
- Be polite and respectful.
- Come prepared, as discussed in Chapter 2.
- Avoid arguing about things that already happened mid-dungeon. Keep your eyes on the road ahead of you, and use the time after the dungeon to discuss and analyze what transpired.
- Agree ahead of time on the group’s plans, ambitions, and whether they want to use voice communication. Be transparent about how much time you have and what you expect out of the group, as discussed in Chapter 3.
- Avoid “trolling”, such as purposely ruining a pull to mess with the group. If you’re using voice communications, don’t shout or yell at people.
Good netiquette will help you make longer lasting friendships that will expand your network. It will also improve the overall environment to be more conducive to constructive criticism and a growth mindset. This is how you improve as both a player and a group, and how you act and speak to others will have a massive impact.

One thing that is difficult for some players to navigate is managing your approach towards cliques. Cliques are smaller and more exclusive friend groups that are generally less open and friendly towards new players than they are with each other. You may find yourself in the midst of a clique when you find a group in LFG since you may queue into a premade group where you are the outsider.
Encountering cliques can be frustrating for players, as you may feel left out or get blamed for mistakes by multiple players at once. When encountering a clique, it may feel like you are not welcome or not desired as a player. This does not mean that there is a problem with you as a player or person, but rather, that the group of people you are talking to are already comfortable with each other's sense of humor, gameplay, and overall mannerisms. In this situation, you are an unknown variable. Recognizing the dynamic of a clique will allow you to communicate more effectively with them, while also making better use of your own time.
Here are some things to keep in mind when encountering cliques:
- Be friendly and treat them like any other non-clique players.
- The players in the clique might be familiar with each other and joke and meme. That doesn’t mean that they are comfortable with you joining in on the banter.
- They may not want you to join their voice-channel, and you should respect that if you only play a single dungeon with them.
- Unfortunately, they might collectively blame you for a mistake that isn’t yours. State so clearly, but do not engage in further arguments, and simply move on if they keep harassing you about it.
- Cliques tend to expect more coordinated levels of gameplay, which can help you reach new heights in your Mythic+ pushing attempts.
- If you enjoyed playing with the group, make sure to express your thoughts! Who knows, maybe you will become their permanent new team member, and you just made a group of new friends.

Mid-Dungeon Arguments
Now, we will discuss mid-dungeon arguments and how proper netiquette can address these situations, diffuse tension and help you and your group be more constructive and successful.
In a high pressure and team-oriented environment like Mythic+, it is unavoidable that mistakes happen, and that people will be upset about it. Arguments are a natural part of the experience, and proper Netiquette and a positive mental attitude can be the difference between making people leave the group or growing stronger as a unit. When everybody is invested in the success of the group, it is only natural for emotions to rise, especially when there are extenuating circumstances, i.e. when a player already had a bad day at work, issues in previous groups or simply isn’t in a good mood in general.
It is important to remember that gaming is an escape for many people, so encountering in-game frustrations can be a tipping point for some players. Do not mentally “blacklist” every person that makes a mistake in a key, otherwise you will find yourself running short of players to play with in the long term. It is important to keep in mind that mistakes will happen, and even a failed run is a success if everybody learned something from it that they can take with them into the next attempt.
If mistakes happen throughout the run, the best approach is to quickly consider how you can make up for lost time. What resources did you lose? Should the pathing be adjusted? What is the next step on your way to the end of the dungeon?
Players are often willing to give up too quickly when they look at the timer, but many runs have been finished with double-digit death counts. If you have a bad wipe, the metaphoric eggs are already broken, so you might as well make an omelet with it. Arguments will break out, and it is important to quickly agree on a new course of action to move on.
Once the dungeon is finished, it can be helpful to analyze what happened and how to avoid similar mistakes in the future. Assessing the dungeon run in a constructive way will help you learn and manage similar situations in the future, and once you’ve acquired the knowledge on how to deal with certain situations, you can apply that knowledge when you inevitably run into a similar problem in the future.

Team Conflicts and Resolution
In a premade team, conflicts may occur due to repeated frustrations such as consistently missed scheduled days, overall team success or lack thereof, disagreements about strategies, or personal issues. It can be very beneficial to take time away from the screen and wait a day to discuss the issue that triggered the argument in order for everybody to calm their emotions and look at the situation in a more rational way instead. If you try to be reasonable and respectful, you’re more likely to be treated the same way. Arguing pointlessly or not listening to others could lead to burning bridges with the players you play with, and it might even affect your future gameplay partners if word gets around.
Appreciate your team, as playing with the same group of players on a regular basis has many benefits. It can be hard to form a team or find a new one, and the best teams in the world, in any sport, are those who manage to air out their issues and grow stronger as a result. Even friends fight, and more often than not, it leads to stronger bonds. The same applies to teams in Mythic+.
If you do feel that you must switch to a different team due to issues that cannot be fixed, try to communicate this with your team proactively and respectfully. Just because you may not play with them again in the near future, doesn’t mean that you won’t cross paths again further down the line, or that you have to act out against your former team members.
For many new players in Mythic+, they can go through a period of “score chasing” caused by the positive reinforcement of seeing your Raider.IO or Mythic+ score increase. This process will inevitably slow down the further you get, and it is not uncommon for some players to experience frustration when their expectations aren’t met. This doesn’t mean you will have to leave the group and look for a more skilled one, as oftentimes just discussing and analyzing the situation will lead to everybody improving, and a dungeon that previously seemed impossible, can become a cakewalk in just a week or two.
Investing in your team and resolving conflicts that arise can be a very beneficial part of netiquette and networking, but also can help you improve as an individual player. A large part of improving in Mythic+ comes down to a whole group’s consistency of routes and kick/stun assignments, so investing in your current team can be a powerful tool for long-term growth as a player, as well as building a strong networking foundation.
Ultimately, it is important to keep in mind that pushing for a higher Mythic+ / Raider.IO score will likely mean depleting just as many dungeons as you finish in time. However, a depleted key is only a failure if no one learned anything from it.

Keep in mind that these general guidelines towards netiquette and a positive mental attitude all boil down to being kind, polite, respectful, and understanding. Listen to others. No one is perfect, and you will likely notice yourself become frustrated at times, so do your best to listen to others and learn from mistakes together. Avoiding triggers and discussing issues in a healthy environment can lead to long-term growth for both you individually as well as the people you play with, and one of the biggest differences between top players and those aspiring to climb the ladder, is the ability to shrug off mistakes. Look at wipes and depletes as learning experiences, and move on quickly with a clear plan. This is a mindset that is typically honed over weeks and months of playing and learning, so exercise awareness and keep practicing your interpersonal skills!

More Mythic+ 101 Articles
- What is Mythic+ and Why Should You Do It?
- What You Need To Know for Your First Keystone
- Pugging, Networking, and Group Dynamics
- Mythic+ Netiquette (You Are Here)
- Understanding Your Role
- Join the Mythic Plus Friends Discord Community
- Try the Raider.IO Auto Route Creator
- Download the Raider.IO Client
- Set up Raider.IO Discord Alerts
- Follow Raider.IO on Twitter
- Support Raider.IO on Patreon
About the Authors
Seliathan has been playing Rogue for over half his life, since the initial release of WoW over 18 years ago. After a long career of Raid Leading, Theorycrafting, and pushing Mythic+, Seliathan enjoys creating all kinds of PvE content on Twitch, co-hosting the Tricks of the Trade Rogue podcast, contributing to Raider.IO as Staff Writer, and writing guides for Icy Veins.
VitaminP (VP) is the Content Manager of Raider.IO and has worked for the organization since the formation of the News Section in November 2018. Although VP is currently focused on pursuing her Masters of Business Administration, she specializes in tanking classes and has loved doing competitive Mythic+ on and off since early Legion.
MarianasTrench (Mari/Marinara) is a Marksmanship Hunter main who loves to play all classes in Mythic Plus and raiding. He is a staff member at Mythic Plus Friends, and the Guild Master of Dualism. While he loves Mythic raiding and higher Mythic+ content, he also enjoys helping other players get involved and expanding the Mythic+ community through the Mythic Plus Academy at Mythic Plus Friends.