Sanctum of Domination R•W•F Global Coverage

Jul 31 2021 08:40 CEST(190 Wochen vor)
We have a top 20! Reload Esports are the final of the best 20 guilds in Sanctum of Domination as they down Sylvanas Windrunner EU 9th!

This will also end our coverage of the race, and it's been an amazing one to say the least! While Sylvanas may not go down in WoW history as one of the best or even better bosses, the raid race and streaming overall proved to be possibly the best yet. With the end especially being incredibly tense, and the win coming down to basically 0.6%, as the two guilds often raced literally side-by-side on the same boss % at the same time on both streams... damn it was good! The Sanctum also provided enough thrills on its own, if perhaps a somewhat broken difficulty curve, but we'll see what the players have to say about it all soon as our interviews with the top teams start! We'll be posting news of those here as well.
Jul 29 2021 20:46 CEST(190 Wochen vor)
Only 1 more to go! The World 19th, Asia 5th has arrived and Chao Jie down Slyvnas as well!
Jul 29 2021 01:04 CEST(190 Wochen vor)
We're nearing the top 20, as three more guilds have finished up the Sanctum! FlashPoint KTB, Mate and Memento claim the World 16th-18th and are 10/10!
Jul 28 2021 05:15 CEST(190 Wochen vor)
Two more 10/10s as we move to the top 20, with JiTianHong and MNM take the World 14th and 15th on Sylvanas!