Mythic Dungeon Invitational 2018: Standings

Mythic Dungeon Invitational 2018 Standings
- 1. Ordered by Fewest Map Losses
- 2. Then Most Map Wins
- 3. Tiebreaker: Fewest Overall Deaths
Global Group Stage
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Team Standings
Rank | Team | Region | Series Won Wins | Series Lost Losses | Series Played Series | Maps Won / Lost MAP W-L | Counters Picked by This Team: Won / Lost CPT W-L | Counters Picked by Opponent Team: Won / Lost CPO W-L | Deaths across all maps Deaths |
Dungeon Standings: Wins/Losses
Team | Region | Black Rook Hold BRH | Cathedral of Eternal Night COEN | Court of Stars COS | Darkheart Thicket DHT | Eye of Azshara EOA | Halls of Valor HOV | Maw of Souls MOS | Neltharion's Lair NL | Return to Karazhan: Lower LOWR | Return to Karazhan: Upper UPPR | Seat of the Triumvirate SEAT | The Arcway ARC | Vault of the Wardens VOTW |