The Great Push: Highlights

The first Mythic Dungeon International one-off event!
Mythic Dungeon International Logo
The Great Push is here! [view official announcement]
  • — See which team can push the highest keys to qualify for the tournament.
  • — Teams are scored by the combined levels of their highest keys pushed.
  • — The winners will claim a $20,000 (USD) prize pool and be crowned the champions!

The Great Push: Highlights

Refreshing now...
May 30 2021 22:45 UTC(192 Wochen vor)

The Great Push Has Ended!

The very first MDI One-Off event is over, and what a spectacular nail-biting finish! This event kept us on our toes and was exciting throughout the entire weekend. Big kudos to the WoW Esports team for bringing us this new format, and a huge congratulations to all of the players!

We are officially signing off, but we thank everyone who tuned into our live coverage for The Great Push. We look forward to bringing you similar coverage and highlights during the next MDI...but before that, we will be keeping you up to date on all things Race to World First, so make sure to check that out when Sanctum of Domination opens up. Stay informed with Raider.IO!

Happy key pushing, and we'll see you in Azeroth!

May 30 2021 22:38 UTC(192 Wochen vor)
Our last dungeon has now been cleared, with Skyline doing Sanguine Depths 25 in a great time, and thanks to that move up to Second place, thanks to a better overall time tiebreaker!
May 30 2021 22:11 UTC(192 Wochen vor)
Echo have done it! They've downed Plaguefall 28 on the final pull of the tournament!

May 30 2021 22:02 UTC(192 Wochen vor)
The doors are now closed! The dungeons they're now in are the final ones that will be run.

Echo are doing the current leader, and they're doing Plaguefall 28. If they time it they'll win it all.
Sheeesh are doing Plaguefall 27. If they do it in time, and Echo fails, they'll win.
Skyline is currently doing Sanguine Deaths 25. If they do it in about 38 mins, and both of the Echo and Sheeesh wipe, they'll win.
Ambition have wiped in MoT, so they're out of the running