I'm Sam, 29, from the UK.
I've raided since legion slowly working my way up through expansions to get my first Cutting Edge on Jaina. I had a very sad 3% wipe after 300 pulls on Queen Azshara. Followed by Cutting Edge N'zoth.
I realm swapped to play with some old friends, but sadly it didn't work out. So now I'm looking for a 2-3 night a week raiding guild who are aiming for Cutting Edge every tier.
I realise rogues don't bring much to a raid team at the moment, but personally as a player I will bring good execution of mechanics, good communication, and a committment to improve.
Feel free to throw me a message! Samalam#21428 discord: samalam#4569
if you wanna see my gameplay on our kills so far (some are missing due to some stream failures) - have a gander! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrTu0ZezC1YI\_WUhBHRxYKQ
Kontaktinformationen |
Nichts zu sehen. |
Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Heldenhaft | 6/8 H | 6 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 12 |