Retribution Paladin – Champion of the Light
Glorfindelo's journey as a Paladin of the Light began in the heat of Outland during the Burning Crusade. Born into Azeroth's battles as the expansion unleashed the war against Illidan Stormrage, Glorfindelo wielded his righteous fury from a young age. His earliest quests across the shattered world of Draenor were guided by a spirit of perseverance and dedication to justice.
As Wrath of the Lich King dawned, Glorfindelo's ambitions grew. The echoes of the Scourge reached his heart, and he felt a sacred duty to stand against the looming threat of Arthas. Though his age restricted his involvement in the high-end raids of Icecrown Citadel, he fought valiantly in every corner of Northrend, mastering the art of Retribution. The weight of late-night raid schedules and responsibilities meant that his progress within the Citadel was halted, but his spirit remained undeterred.
Throughout the years, Glorfindelo honed his skills, balancing the disciplined defense of a Protection Paladin with the fierce offensive strikes of Retribution. His tenacity and long-standing dedication to the Light have made him a formidable ally and a respected member of any guild he joins. Though his earlier days were marked by limitations, his undying love for Azeroth and its people fueled his growth into a true defender of the realm. Whether facing the Legion, Old Gods, or the ever-present threat of the Alliance, Glorfindelo remains steadfast in his mission: to bring light to the darkest corners of the world and smite the enemies of justice.
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