Previous Mythic/CE raider (WR500 - 1000), returning for TWW because I have a bit more free time in my life now.
I've mained healer since late BFA, and have achieved multiple CE's since then as well as KSM in S4 BFA, as well as S1 and S2 of Shadowlands.
Took a break midway through SoD progression due to numerous guild disbands midway through the tier leaving me frustrated/demotivated with the state of the game, but I'm now focusing on pushing keys and potentially raiding CE again, albeit with a 2 day/week schedule.
I'm a pretty easygoing guy, so if you're looking for a healer who knows his stuff on your raid or M+ team, and you have a sensible schedule, feel free to drop me a message.
I'm not tied to any specific class (played Disc / Holy for most of BFA and SL, but now I'm playing RSham/Prevoker), and can usually play offspecs to a decent level when needed. My current preference for Off Spec is either Aug or Elemental, but I can play both DPS specs easily.
I don't have logs currently, but have previous logs from when I last raided which I'm happy to provide here: - please note that these logs are from SL.
I've made zero attempt to raid in coordinated groups thus far in TWW, and have mostly been pugging 8/8HC weekly to keep myself somewhat raid-knowledgeable.
If you're absolutely dead-set on having a healer come on board with up to date logs, I'm happy to get them.
I am not looking for AotC guilds currently, as I'm perfectly capable of pugging that content with a much more flexible schedule (no offence <3).
Kontaktinformationen |
Zelthy#2845 |