Raizelia - Frost Mage
Previous M+ Experience
Shadow Priest 3123 rating DF S3
Havoc DH 3107 rating DF S3
Blood/Unholy DK 2830 rating DF S2
Protection Paladin 2752 rating DF S1
Beast Mastery Hunter 2082 Rating SL S4
Frost Mage 2834 rating SL S3
Previous Raiding Experience
9/9 HC Amirdrassil
6/8 VotI HC, 9/9HC AOTC 1/9M Abberus
7/11 HC Sepulcher
9/9 HC Dazar'Alor, 12/12 HC 1/12 M Ny'alotha
Emerald Nightmare Mythic 3/7, Nighthold Mythic 5/10, Antorus 11/11 HC
Highmaul Mythic 7/7, Hellfire Citadel Mythic 13/13
Siege of Orgimmar Mythic 7/14
Mogushan, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring Normal Cleared
Firelands 6/7 Heroic
Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight Normal Cleared Partial Heroic
Naxxramas, Ulduar (1 Eye in the Dark) Trial of the Grand Crusader 4/5 Icecrown HC cleared
Mount Hyjal, Black Temple Cleared 1/6 Sunwell
Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon Realm Firsts
Molten Core and Blackwing Lair cleared Realm Firsts
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