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Ya know wooking at pvp bawance i must awsk mysewf why even fucking twy anymowe, iwt's quite fucking cweaw thawt anet has compwete contept towawds powew buiwds in pvp awnd seems tuwu be happwy give cwasses who awe ovew tuned condi buiwds even mowe powew whiwe cwushing hopes fow intewesting awnd fun powew buiwds because iwt's nowt a condition buiwd. own top of thawt they give peopwe mowe ways of deawing with diwect damage than condition damage in fow fowm of invuiwn, pwotection, wegenewation, awnd othew boons wike thawt whiwe condition damage gets aww the benefits of buffs wikes might awnd vuwnewabiwity yet onwy has owne downside in the fowm of wesistance thawt cawn be easiwy wemoved ow cowwupted intwo yet anothew fucking condi. at thiws point unwess anet fixes the fucking pwobwem ow at the weast wesponds tuwu owne of my 20+ emaiws i fucking sent thewm i'm nowt touching gw2.