Darkhrt is a Veteran of the Fourth War and a premier member of the Ebon Blade, well-respected for his battle prowess, tenacity, and sarcasm throughout Azeroth. He has labored under the misfit banner of the guild "Friend Ship" for over four millennia, serving under an arch-druid known for her passion for dispatching raid bosses, mythic dungeon bosses, and crushing coups. Formerly a Worgen, now a human, Darkhrt has spent much of his off-time trying to satiate his eternal hunger with rumored Death Knight debauchery involving the likes of Sylvanas Windrunner, Jaina Proudmoore, and Lady Liadrin. With a healthy disdain for Survival Hunters, Quaking, and poorly chosen transmog, Darkhrt is a death knight of the people.
Darkhrt can be found traversing Azeroth, looking for adventures and spreading his unholy diseases at funerals and strip clubs. You can catch him on YouTube and Twitch fumbling throughout the realm. Subscribe, tune in, and see for yourself if Lady Liadrin’s love child smells of hot plate metal, lusty undead pheromones, and your grandma’s 8-month-old corpse Darkhrt just rezzed from the dead.
“All that I am: anger, cruelty, vengeance - I bestow upon you, my chosen knight. I have granted you immortality so that you may herald in a new, dark age for the Scourge.”*
Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Heldenhaft | 2/8 H | 2 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 22 |