basically you build fury (your spell energy) using immolation aura and demon’s bite then you spend it with chaos strike and blade dance, being blade dance your priority but pressing chaos strike as many times as you can. You need to stay in metamorphosis via eye beam and metamorphosis buttons as often as you can. Also collecting those shadow orbs that you get when you kill an enemy helps you to regenerate fury and health. Always keep your fury going.
The rest is all about speed, positioning, timing and utility and knowing when to use your utility and ccs (timing). DHs are not brain dead as people like to call them, at least they aren’t more barindead than any other class… in fact you will find that it is not easy to be proficient when you play in pvp against good players. You need to know what to press and when, and you will find yourself using 17 or more buttons all the freaking time in a frenzy while jumping, rushing and charging all over the place. It’s pretty fun and fast gameplay.
Kontaktinformationen |
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Befreiung von Undermine [AOTC] | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Heldenhaft | 7/8 H | 7 |
Normal | 3/8 N | 3 |